
aslant adv.,1.斜,傾。2.斜跨。短語和例子walk wi...


It had , indeed , a very cheery aspect ; the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco , in which fragments of broken glass were intermixed ; so that , when the sunshine fell aslant - wise over the front of the edifice , it glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful 確實,住宅呈現著一派欣然景象:墻面除著一層拉毛灰泥,由于里面摻和著大量的碎玻璃碴,當陽光斜照到大廈的前臉時,便會閃著熔目的光芒,好像有一雙手在向它拋撤著鉆石。

I , too , in the grey , small , antique structure , with its low roof , its latticed casements , its mouldering walls , its avenue of aged firs - all grown aslant under the stress of mountain winds ; its garden , dark with yew and holly - and where no flowers but of the hardiest species would bloom - found a charm both potent and permanent 她們喜歡這個與世隔絕的家,我也在灰色古老小巧的建筑中找到了巨大而永久的魅力。這里有低矮的屋頂帶格子的窗戶消蝕的小徑和古杉夾道的大路強勁的山風使這些古杉都已傾斜。還有長著紫杉和冬青而呈黑色的花園一這里除了頑強的花種,什么花都不開放。

He held the page aslant patiently , bending his senses and his will , his soft subject gaze at rest . the crooked skirt swinging whack by whack by whack . the porkbutcher snapped two sheets from the pile , wrapped up her prime sausages and made a red grimace 他耐心地斜舉著報紙,而感官和意念以及受其支配的柔和的視線卻都凝聚在另外一點上:每拍打一下,歪歪扭扭的裙子就擺一下,嘭嘭嘭。

They could see distinctly , still glistening from the rain , the feathery grass which always grows beside by - roads . the drooping branches of the birch - trees swayed in the wind , and dripped bright drops aslant across the road 鄉村道路上總是生長著的卷曲的小草,由于夜雨的濕潤看起來更加鮮亮了低垂的白樺樹枝條濕漉漉的,輕風吹過搖搖晃晃,斜斜地撒下晶瑩的水珠。

The cold moon looked aslant upon tess s fagged face between the twigs of the garden - hedge as she paused outside the cottage which was her temporary home , d urberville pausing beside her 苔絲站在她暫以為家的小屋門外,德貝維爾站在她的身邊,清冷的月光從園內籬樹的樹枝間斜照進來,落在苔絲疲憊不堪的臉上。

It led me aslant over the hill , through a wide bog , which would have been impassable in winter , and was splashy and shaking even now , in the height of summer 它引導我穿過一個寬闊的泥沼,從斜刺里上了山。要是在冬天,這個泥沼是沒法通過的,就是眼下盛夏,也是泥漿四濺,一步一搖晃。

With his head aslant , and his ears pricked up , like his horse , he was frowning at the driving rain , and anxiously looking before him 他和他的馬一樣,歪著頭,抿著耳朵,被瓢潑大雨打得皺起眉頭,急切地注視著前方。

Operations guide : keyboard control , if they do not feel the key for the case , the keyboard can pedestal with aslant 操作指南:鍵盤控制,如果方向鍵感覺不適合的話,可以把鍵盤斜放

The wrecked train lay aslant the track 失事的火車橫在鐵軌上

The evening sunlight shone aslant through the window 夕照斜穿入窗