
asl ASL = American Sign Language...

For better understanding the structure of insect community aloft and how it interacted with the insect community near the ground , especially the effects of the wind - borne migration , observations were conducted with a searchlight trap on an island ( 38 23 . 200 “ n , 120 54 . 500 “ e ) in changdao , at the center of baohai channel , in 2002 , and with a digital entomological radar and a twin light - trap ( simultaneously operated searchlight trap and ground light - trap ) at a site in langfang ( 39 30 ' 42 “ n , 116 36 ' 07 “ e , 28 m asl ) , in the vicinity of beijing , in 2001 and 2002 為了更好地理解空中昆蟲群落的結構及其如何與近地昆蟲群落相互作用的,尤其是風載遷飛的效應, 2002年在渤海海峽中間的長島縣一小島( 3823 . 200 ’ n , 12054 . 500 ’ e )上使用探照燈誘蟲器進行了觀測; 2001和2002年我們使用數字昆蟲雷達和姊妹燈(同時使用的探照燈誘蟲器和地面燈誘蟲器)在北京附近的廊坊( 39 30 42 n , 116 36 07 e , 28masl )進行了觀測。


For better understanding the structure of insect community aloft and how it interacted with the insect community near the ground , especially the effects of the wind - borne migration , observations were conducted with a searchlight trap on an island ( 38 23 . 200 “ n , 120 54 . 500 “ e ) in changdao , at the center of baohai channel , in 2002 , and with a digital entomological radar and a twin light - trap ( simultaneously operated searchlight trap and ground light - trap ) at a site in langfang ( 39 30 ' 42 “ n , 116 36 ' 07 “ e , 28 m asl ) , in the vicinity of beijing , in 2001 and 2002 為了更好地理解空中昆蟲群落的結構及其如何與近地昆蟲群落相互作用的,尤其是風載遷飛的效應, 2002年在渤海海峽中間的長島縣一小島( 3823 . 200 ’ n , 12054 . 500 ’ e )上使用探照燈誘蟲器進行了觀測; 2001和2002年我們使用數字昆蟲雷達和姊妹燈(同時使用的探照燈誘蟲器和地面燈誘蟲器)在北京附近的廊坊( 39 30 42 n , 116 36 07 e , 28masl )進行了觀測。

There are two techniques to implement that , the first is enterprise compute architecture six - layer model that contain hnl ( hardware network layer ) , osl ( operation system layer ) , dbl ( database layer ) , asl ( application server layer ) , bfl ( business framework layer ) , bsl ( business system layer ) ; the second is business framework model which depart enterprise application system into many business components . the business components are independent and provide services to others through their consistent interface 前者說明了xerp系統的六個層次,分別是硬件網絡層hnl 、操作系統層osl 、數據庫層dbl 、應用服務器層asl 、業務框架層bfl和業務系統層bsl 。業務框架模型把企業的應用分解為許多業務組件,相當于erp中的功能模塊,各業務組件之間相互獨立,通過一致的接口對其它組件提供服務。

Then , 5 . 5kb thrombiotin gene was amplified with the same technique from the genome of a baby ' s blood , which included the begining part of intronl to the teminator . in addition , 6 . 0kb and 1 . 8kb homlogous arms were also amplified from a cow with high yield . the 6 . 0kb homologous arm contains the promotor , extron 1 , extron2 , extron3 and intron 1 , intron2 and part of the intron3 fragment , while the 1 . 8kb homologous right arms contains exon13 , exon14 and part of intron 13 , the whole intron14 and part intron 14 of asl - casein gene of bovine 通過長片段pcr從高產奶牛的基因組中獲得了打靶所需的長、短同源臂序列,長度分別為6 . 0kb和1 . 8kb ,位于s1 -酪蛋白基因的5上游區到第三內含子和十二到十四內含子;從綿羊全血基因組克隆得到了綿羊的-酪蛋白基因啟動子區到第二內含子區4 . 1kb的5調控序列;利用同對引物克隆得到了水牛的同基因序列;從廣西當地一嬰兒臍血基因組中通過獲得了人血小板生成素基因,位于第1內含子到終止子后部分的序列,長達5 . 5kb 。

The extended finite state automation ( efsa ) is adopted to match pattern written by asl in the thesis . it is also said that the rules are translated into efsa while compiling the rules , the method have high performance in the run time , the pattern matching time is insensitive to the numbers of rules 文中模式匹配采用了擴展的有限狀態自動機( efsa )算法,也就是在編譯規則的時候將規則轉換成擴展的有限狀態自動機,這個方法提高了運行時執行的效率,使得匹配的時間與規則的多少基本無關。

A students average score a 5 and e 1 is calculated based on 2 a - level or 1 a - level and 2 as - level subjects plus chinese language and culture and use of english . the weighting of chinese language and culture and use of english is half of an a level subject 嶺大計算每位高級程度會考生的平均成績以a 5分及e 1分計算,是根據兩科高級程度會考科目al或1科al及兩科asl高級補充程度科目,再加上中國語言及文化和英語運用兩個科目計算出來。

Those venerable craft were so low - slung , the water could be scooped up over the gun - wales . the 33m asl launches can patrol at up to 28 knots . like their bigger but older sisters , the two 40m command launches built in hong kong in 1987 , they can act as floating nerve - centres for other vessels 33米長的asi型可以高達28海里的時速進行巡邏,與在一九八七年在香港建造的兩艘40米長指揮輪一樣,都能在海上用作其他船只的指揮中心。

Asl is a kind of simple strong expressive event driven language . the asl specification is translated into c + + module by compiled it , then to compile the c + + module get the detection engine Asl語言是一種簡單的、有較強表達能力的、基于事件驅動的語言,用asl語言描述的規范經過編譯后可以轉換為c + +模塊, c + +模塊編譯連接后作為檢測引擎來檢測入侵。

On the other hand , tl1e asl economy t ' as also influenced indirectl3 , for capital cannot be allocated rationall3 through banking system under such an volatile exchange rate because of the deviant balance sheets of banks 同時,匯率水平的劇烈波動影響了銀行的資產負債表,致使銀行體系不能正常進行資金配置,從而間接地對實體經濟造成危害。

Licence application for satellite master antenna television system , mobile radio system and amateur station licence and authority to operate can be filed and submitted online at the ofta web site 市民可在電訊管理局的網站以聯機方式提出及遞交衛星電視共用天線牌照,移動無線電系統牌照,業馀電臺牌照asl及操作授權證明ato的牌照申請。

In a - level subjects , students scored an average of 2 . 11 in 2004 , up from 2 . 04 in 2003 and 1 . 81 in 1995 . in as - level subjects , students scored an average of 2 . 12 in 2004 , up from 2 . 06 in 2003 and 1 . 65 in 1995 今年入讀的嶺大學生于各科之平均成績,包括al的科目asl的科目中國語言及文化和英語運用,整體平均分數都較過往上升。

Garcia went on to develop a practical system in 1999 , using 145 asl signs , for teaching the process to parents . there are now over 600 presenters of this system across the country 1999年,加西亞開始發展一套可以實際應用的系統,用145個英文手語的手勢來教導父母。現在全美有超過600個講師,在各地推廣?授這個系統。

In effect , the expectation that asl should be word - based indicates a misunderstanding according to which spoken language is the only legitimate way to symbolize our conception of reality 實際上,那種認為美國手語應當基于文字的想法顯示了一種認為口頭語言是現實世界的概念的唯一正規的表現方式的誤解。

The thesis present a high level asl ( auditing specification language ) to describe the safe behaviour of system and the intrusive behaviour of network 本文引入一種高層的asl ( auditspecificationlanguage )描述語言來描述系統安全行為和網絡入侵行為。

The assumption that signs should refer to words rather than concepts is based on a serious misconception regarding the nature of asl 那種認為手語應該指向一個個的文字而不是概念的看法建立在一種對美國手語的性質的嚴重誤解上。

The thesis design the specification of intrusion detection of the privileged program and network communication in the detail by asl specification 本文用asl詳細的設計了特權程序和網絡數據包的入侵檢測的規范。

Assessment for learning in al asl chemistry through teacher assessment scheme 22 october 2005 促進學習的評估:高級及高級補充程度化學科教師評審制研討會2005年10月22日

Asl mri for cerebral hypoperfusion in patients with symptomatic carotid artery occlusion 動脈自旋標記法磁共振成像在頸動脈狹窄性腦缺血疾病中的初步應用

Asl worldwide logistics co 盈通環球物流