
askew adv.斜,歪。 hang a picture aske...


The face of a streetwalker , glazed and haggard under a black straw hat , peered askew round the door of the shelter , palpably reconnoitring on her own with the object of bringing more grist to her mill 一個戴著黑色草帽,面容憔悴,好像涂了層釉料一般的妓女從馬車夫棚門口探進頭來,斜眼望著。她顯然是在替自己來巡風,目的不外乎是多撈幾個進項。

The largest gospel ever discovered , pistis sophia , was brought to london from egypt and purchased in 1772 by a . askew , a london doctor and collector of old manuscripts 目前所發現的最大部福音書比斯提蘇菲亞書是由一位倫敦醫生兼古老手稿收藏家艾斯邱a . skew于1772年在埃及購買到并帶回倫敦的。

They all seemed depressed ; and hauser had brought an old spelling - book with gnawed edges , which he held wide - open on his knee , with his great spectacles askew 所有這些人都顯得很憂傷;奧澤爾老人還帶了一本邊角都已破損的舊識字課本,攤放在膝頭上,課本上橫放著他那副大眼鏡。

Afterward , compass needles that normally point north would point south , and during the thousands of years of transition , much in the heavens and earth would go askew 后來,通常指向北方的羅盤針指向南方,而在數千年的轉換期間,多數在天空而地球會傾斜。

The houses finally leap the wall of philip augustus , and scatter joyfully over the plain , without order , and all askew , like runaways 房屋終于跳越了菲利浦? ?奧古斯都圈定的城垣,興高彩烈地在平原上四散開了,就像逃犯一樣,混亂不堪,到處亂竄。

The wooden buildings here sit slightly askew from one another , because the entire small district is built upon slowly sinking sand 這里的木質建筑彼此相接而又略顯傾斜,這是因為整個區域是建立在一塊以極緩慢速度下降的沙地上。

O , the whore of the lane ! a frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the day along the quay towards mr bloom 一個歪戴著黑色水手草帽邋里邋遢的妓女,大白天就兩眼無神地沿著碼頭朝布盧姆先生踱了過來。

Surprised telling people is that no matter which direction to watch from taiwan , in the long tower is located to the direction always askew 使人驚訝叫絕的是,不管從東南西北哪個方向觀看,歸龍塔總是向人所在方向歪斜。

Have other not neat or askew phenomenon wants as early as possible go to a doctor , child correct ages a few days good , big bothered later 有其他不齊或歪斜的現象要盡早就醫,小孩矯齒幾天就好,大了以后就麻煩了。

The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle of white light , the shadow of the foreman ' s hand moving into it 活動百葉窗歪歪斜斜地掛著,一角白光從中漏進來,工頭喬?安奎爾的手移到了白光中。

If man is an iron - balance that weigh pains and pleasures , the scales are sadly askew 假如人是一架稱量痛苦和快樂的鐵質天平,不幸的是:天平斜了。

It was an accident . i was just trying a spell to trim his hair , and it went a little askew 是一個意外,我是想用咒語修剪他的頭發頭發有點歪

The line is drawn all askew 這條線都畫斜了

Even though my mustache is a tad askew 即使我的胡須有點歪了

The furniture in the room was placed askew 屋子里的家俱擺得歪歪斜斜。