
askance adv.橫;斜;斜視。 The kids were ey...

But that ' s precisely because they are about aristocrats and urban intellectuals looking askance at “ life in a foreign land . “ when you really get down to it , my narrowness comes from having grown up in the city 究其根底,這褊狹是因為自己生長在城市,住過并且喜歡的也都是大而老的城市:北京,紐約,芝加哥。

But it seems you have come back rich , my boy , “ continued the tailor , looking askance at the handful of gold and silver which dant 我的孩子,你好象是發了財回來啦。 ”裁縫一面說,一面斜眼看著唐太斯拋在桌子上的那一把金幣和銀幣。


Clare hardily kept his arm round her waist in sight of these watermen , with the air of a man who was accustomed to public dalliance , though actually as shy as she who , with lips parted and eyes askance on the labourers , wore the look of a wary animal the while 在這些工人面前,克萊爾仍然大膽地用胳膊摟著苔絲的腰,臉上是一種慣于公開調情的神氣,盡管實際上他也像苔絲一樣羞怯,而苔絲張著嘴,斜眼看著那些干活的工人們,臉上的神色看上去就像是一只膽小的動物。

Call me tess , she would say askance ; and he did . then it would grow lighter , and her features would become simply feminine ; they had changed from those of a divinity who could confer bliss to those of a being who craved it 后來天漸漸亮了,她的面容就變得只是一個女子的面容了從給人福佑的女神的面容轉而變成了渴望福佑的人的面容了。

Miss douce halfstood to see her skin askance in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmered and in their midst a shell . - and leave it to my hands , she said 杜絲小姐欠起身來,在酒吧間的鏡子里斜眼照了照自己的皮膚;鏡子里盛有白葡萄酒和紅葡萄酒的玻璃杯閃閃發光,中間還擺著一只海螺殼。

But that ' s precisely because they are about aristocrats and urban intellectuals looking askance at “ life in a foreign land . “ when you really get down to it , my narrowness comes from having grown up in the city 究其根底,這褊狹是因為自己生長在城市,住過并且喜歡的也都是大而老的城市:北京,紐約,芝加哥。

Most of the people i have dealt with in four decades of globetrotting are men and women of integrity and decency , dedicated individuals who look askance at the shady conduct of the minority 四十多年來我環游世界,跟我打交道的都是些正直體面的男女,他們都不齒于少數人的那些齷齪行徑。

The soft thing looked askance through the window : he possessed the power to depart , as much as a cat possesses the power to leave a mouse half killed , or a bird half eaten 這軟骨頭斜著眼向窗里望:他簡直沒有力量走開,正像一只貓無力離開一只半死的耗子或是一只吃了一半的鳥一樣。

But it seems you have come back rich , my boy , “ continued the tailor , looking askance at the handful of gold and silver which dant 我的孩子,你好象是發了財回來啦。 ”裁縫一面說,一面斜眼看著唐太斯拋在桌子上的那一把金幣和銀幣。

Food and drug administration , one of the world ' s most stringent drug watchdogs , for decades has looked askance at most herbal medicines 這一全球最嚴格的藥監機構數十年來一直對批準草藥上市銷售的申請嗤之以鼻。

The woman showed great suspicion and looked askance at everything the shopman offered for sale 那婦人顯出疑心很重的樣子,對于店主勸她買的每一樣東西,她都投以懷疑的目光。

My family looked askance when i ordered snails as a first course in the restaurant 當我在飯店里要的第一道菜是蝸牛時,全家都討厭地看著我。

Danglars looked at him askance , as though to ascertain whether he spoke seriously 騰格拉爾斜眼望著他,看他說話的態度是否在取笑他。

And gave a look askance - said he thanked the whiting kindly , but he would not join the dance 它說謝謝鱈魚,但它不愿把舞會參加。

They look askance at “ excessive ” job mobility , which breeds insecurity 過度的工作流動衍生社會不安全,他們對此表示懷疑。

He smiled , glancing askance at her mocking eye . the same young eyes 他微笑著,朝她那神色調皮的眼睛斜瞟了一眼。

Disbelieving his unlikely story , she looked askance at jack 她用懷疑的目光看著杰克,不相信他那靠不住的敘述。

Carrie looked at him askance , half - suspicious of an appeal 嘉莉斜眼看著他,有幾分猜到他要有所要求了。

I have to regard this askance 我不得不說我看不起這事兒!