
ask vt.1.問,質問,詢問。2.求,請求,祈求。3.需要。...

“fenitchka?“ asked arkady easily . “費涅奇卡嗎?”阿爾卡狄順口問道。

“what passes with you?“ pilar asked . “你都干了些什么?”皮拉爾問。

“how old was she then?“ asked the baron . “她當時多大了?”男爵問。

“why do you stick it?“ asked phyl . “那你干嗎還干下去呢?”菲爾問。

“what's wrong?“ she asked in dismay . “干嗎啦?”她驚奇地問了一句。

“how can that be fixed?“ the old man asked . “那怎么縫?”老人問。

“where did he go?“ i asked stupidly . “他去哪兒了呢?“我傻乎乎地問。


A little old-fashioned , if you ask me . 要說呢就是樣子有點舊了。

He is asking 80 a month rent for that flat . 那套房間月租他要80。

The police asked the man to make a statement . 警方要那男子寫一份供詞。

Won't they ask for an exit permit ? 他們不是還要查驗出境許可證嗎?

He asked the opinions of his contemporaries . 他征求過同時代人的意見。

He asked my name and i gave it to him . 他詢問我的姓名,我就告訴了他。

He asked me the history of my earlier years . 他問起我早年的生活情況。

We had no choice but to do what we were asked . 我們只得照要求的做了。

He asked forgiveness for what he had done wrong . 他請求原諒他的錯誤。

He did not ask why he had been awakened . 他并沒有問為什么要把他弄醒。

“fenitchka?“ asked arkady easily . “費涅奇卡嗎?”阿爾卡狄順口問道。

Many asked why he did not seek for work . 許多人問他為什么不去找工作。