
asinine adj.1.驢的,驢子一樣的。2.愚蠢的,固執的。


We are not duke hsiang of sung and have no use for his asinine ethics 我們不是宋襄公,不要那種蠢豬式的仁義道德。

This is by far the most asinine 這絕對是最蠢的事情

Of all the stupid , asinine shit 愚蠢透頂,該死的蠢驢

Of all the asinine things my dad has done , 爸爸做的最蠢的事情

This is asinine . if you want to kill yourself , do it 你想去送死,盡管去

This is asinine . if you want to kill yourself , do it . . 你想去送死,盡管去