
aside adv.1.在旁邊,在一邊;到旁邊,到一邊。2.【戲劇】...


Each stood somewhat aside . 每一個人多少自視甚高。

Kennedy tossed them aside . 肯尼迪把它們扔在一邊。

She pushed the branches aside . 她把樹枝推到一邊。

A wife who shared her husband 's hard lot must never be cast aside . 糟糠之妻不下堂。

Do not stand aside and let others do all the work . 不要什么都不干,事情都讓別人做。

I mention it only as an aside . 我只是順便提及此事。

She had simply stood aside and let her take the field . 她一向站在一邊讓她獨自上陣。

She cast aside the old clothes . 她把舊衣服撇棄掉了。

She tosses aside the magazine and rises to follow . 她放下雜志,站起來跟著上去了。

Mother's day is a day set aside to honor motherhood . 母親節規定為紀念母親的節日。

She brushed the feeling aside . 她把這種感覺拋向一邊。

His mother moved curtly aside to let him pass . 他母親怒氣沖沖地挪了身體讓他進去。

She placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang . 聽到電話鈴響她放下了針線活。

He glanced quickly about and then stepped aside . 他向四周掃了一眼,然后站在一旁。

G.h. caught gus's arm and led him aside . GH攥住格斯的一只胳膊,把他拉到一旁。

She brushed the feeling aside . 她把這種感覺拋在一邊。

He cast aside all his inhibitions . 他拋棄了一切禁忌。

He stepped aside to let me pass . 他站到一邊讓我過去。

She steps aside to let them pass . 她閃開,給他們讓路。