
asian adj.亞洲的;亞洲人的。n.亞洲人。 ★ 現多用 As...


New east asian regionalism : development and influence 新東亞區域主義發展及其影響

Adjustment of american southeast asian policy after 評杜魯門時期的美國東南亞政策

Speech : 34th asian development bank annual meeting 演講辭第34屆亞洲開發銀行年會

Why does the west react so negatively to asian values 亞洲人與美國人價值觀的差別

A probe into central asian security cooperation mechanism 中亞安全合作機制評析

Sha congratulates asian games medal winners 民政事務局局長祝賀香港隊再奪亞運獎牌

The ancient india had the asian production manners 古代印度屬亞細亞生產方式。

The formation of modern europe and asian resistance 近代歐洲的形成與亞洲的抵抗

What does he enjoy most in bmw asian open 他在bmw亞洲公開賽中最享受的是什么?

In asia the most important event is the asian games 在亞洲最重要的賽事是亞運會

Come here and look at this . - ooh , the asian x - games 瞧瞧這個-亞洲極限運動賽

They located their asian office in hong kong 他們在香港設立他們的亞洲辦事處。

Southeast asian factor on petroleum security of china 中國石油安全中的東南亞因素

The lentil is just such a crop for many south asians 小扁豆在南亞是原料農作物。

Building of pan - asian railroads : origin and development 泛亞鐵路建設的由來與發展

East asian cooperation and china s strategic interest 東亞合作與中國的戰略利益

Southeast asian chinese businessmen ' s investment in china 東南亞華商對華投資分析

Asian puppet series : exhibition and relevant events 亞洲木偶系列:展覽及相關活動

A cohen bagged himself some asian action . hmm 一個cohen充滿了亞洲的氣息嗯. .