
asia n.亞洲。 Asia Minor 小亞細亞。


China construction bank asia corporation limited 中國建設銀行亞洲股份有限公司

Climatological information for west asia and middle east 西亞及中東各地氣候資料

Icbc asia assigned first - time ratings by moody s 中國工商銀行亞洲首獲穆迪評級

Asia society summer film series : games of asia 亞洲協會暑期電影系列:亞洲動起來

Registration fees of 52 . 50 payable to rtrc asia pte ltd 52 . 50包括消費稅支付給

In the dream europe beheld two continents at strife for her sake, asia and the further shore, both in the shape of women . 在歐羅巴夢里看見兩個大陸為了爭奪她而相斗,一個是亞細亞,另一個是遠方的那片海岸,雙方都呈現出女人的形象。

Their action came none too soon, for events in europe and asia demanded concerted cooperation for peace by the american republics . 他們采取行動的時間恰到好處,因為歐亞兩洲的事變要求美洲各共和國一致合作以爭取和平。

From this i saw that the question of forming a supreme allied command in southeast asia and drawing boundary lines was approaching . 根據這一點,我看出了在東南亞成立盟軍最高司令部和劃定界線的問題即將來到。

This reflects the relative success, particularly in china that low-income asia has had with population control programs . 這說明低收入亞洲國家實施人口控制計劃所帶來的成功,這一點在中國尤為顯著。

India and china also continued to grow vigorously, pushing up the overall growth rate for low-income countries in asia . 印度和中國的增長也方興未艾,從而提高了整個亞洲低收入國家的增長率。

Much of the growth in per capita income levels in low-income asia reflects the performance of china and india . 在低收入亞洲國家中人均收入水平的提高,在很大程度上歸功于中國和印度的實績。

The american people still believed that distance provided adequate insulation between us and any conflict in europe or asia . 美國人仍相信歐亞兩洲,遠隔重洋,戰火不致延及本身。

The chestnut has been an important food for man in asia, asia minor, europe, and north america for centuries . 多少世紀以來,栗子一直是亞洲、小亞細亞、歐洲和北美人的重要食糧。

He was splendidly sun burnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of asia . 他的臉給太陽曬得烏油油的,連那濃密的胡須好象讓亞洲的熱浪涂了上了一層油彩。

The common man of asia like this big, friendly, informal, democratic, serious young american . 亞洲的普通人都喜歡這個身材魁梧、友好、平易近人、民主、嚴肅的年輕美國人。

South america is joined to north america , and only a narrow strait separates north america from asia . 南美洲和北美洲是相連在一起,北美洲亞洲只相隔一條狹窄的海峽。

The security of all of southeast asia will be endangered if laos loses its neutral independence . 如果老撾失去了它中立立場的獨立,整個東南亞的安全將受到威脅。

In the end this was to consume of the president's attention and concern more than anything else in asia . 這個問題結果比任何問題都使總統更操心,更耗費精力。

On the map, lake baikal appears as a striking feature, an enormous lake in the middle of asia . 在地圖上貝加爾湖引人注目,它是位于亞洲中央的一個巨大湖泊。