
ashy adj.1.灰的;覆蓋著灰的。2.灰色的,蒼白的。短語和...


First , said mr . cruncher , who was all in a tremble , and who spoke with an ashy and solemn visage , them poor things well out o this , never no more will i do it , never no more “首先, ”克朗徹先生全身發抖,說話時面如死灰,神情莊重, “只要那幾個可憐的人能安全脫險,我以后就不再干那種事了,再也不干了! ”

The change of excavated cavity quantity influence the quantity of ashy starling significantly , the change of all cavity influence the quantity of great tit and ashy starling significantly 啄洞數量的變化對灰椋鳥的數量變化產生明顯影響;樣地內總的樹洞數量的變化對灰椋鳥和大山雀數量產生明顯影響。

Assuredly , as the minister looked back , he beheld an expression of divine gratitude and ecstasy that seemed like the shine of the celestial city on her face , so wrinkled and ashy pale 反正,當牧師回頭看去時,只見到一副感謝天恩的狂喜神情,似乎天國的光輝正映照在她那滿是皺紋的灰白色面孔之上。

Old and bent , ashy pale and toothless , he managed with the help of two crutches , to totter into the king ' s presence 他人老背駝,面色蒼白,牙齒脫落,在兩根拐棍的幫助下,蹣跚而行,來到國王的面前。

But suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard 然而,就在他向拉博德特走過去時,他的臉變得灰白,一下栽倒在碗櫥前面。

Clare arose in the light of a dawn that was ashy and furtive , as though associated with crime 黎明的晨光一片慘淡,時明時暗,仿佛跟犯罪有了牽連,克萊爾在這時候起了床。

They drew back from the window , and the doctor looked for explanation in his friend s ashy face 兩人離開了窗口,醫生在他的朋友死灰色的臉上尋求答案。

The ashy behavior and its restriction by law in the course of ruling by law 法治化進程中的灰色行為及其法律控制

Do something about that ashy white look 處理一下這死灰似的慘白臉色

White or ashy - yellow crystalline powder 本品為白色或灰黃色結晶性粉末。

And start puttin ' lotion on your ashy butt 再給你的灰兮兮的屁股上擦點霜