
ashtray 灰盤,煙灰缸。


2 . throw away all of your cigarettes , ashtrays and lighters from your home office 二棄掉家里及辦公室內所有香煙,煙灰缸及打火機

Get rid of all cigarettes , lighters , and ashtrays at home and in your office 拋掉家中及辦公室內所有香煙、打火機及煙灰碟。

Dispose things that are associated with smoking , e . g . cigarettes , ashtrays and lighters 棄掉所有煙仔、煙灰缸及打火機;

Discard all cigarettes , lighters , ashtrays from your home and office 拋掉家中及辦公室內所有香煙、打火機及煙灰碟。

An ashtray ? not honey 香煙味?不是蜜糖味?

Let me get you an ashtray 我給你找個煙灰缸。

No . how about this ashtray 不這個煙灰缸怎么樣?

Malemine ashtray maleming ashtray 煙灰缸精美煙灰缸

Do not keep cigerettes , light and ashtrays at home and in office 家中及辦公室內沒有香煙,打火機及煙灰碟。

The maid picked up the ashtray and emptied it into a wastepaper basket 女傭拿起煙灰缸,把煙灰倒進廢紙簍。

Malemine ashtray malemine ashtray 煙灰缸輪胎型煙灰缸

There is an ashtray on the table 桌子上有一個煙灰缸。

He tapped his ash into an ashtray 他把煙灰彈落到煙灰缸。

Designing and cnc processing of a cigarette ashtray mold core with mastercam 編程加工煙灰缸模具的型芯

This applies to guests with portable ashtrays as well 請勿邊走路邊吸煙持攜帶型煙灰缸者亦請合作。

Color = navy ] i feel terrible , but i ' ve just broken your ashtray 真是很抱歉,我剛才打破了你的煙灰缸。

Ashtray - id : t - 3004 - china yiwu senlin packing co . , ltd 手表盒-編號: t - 3004 -浙江森林木盒包裝有限公司

In fact . he smelled like an ashtray 說真的.他身上一股香煙味

The table is covered with dirty plate and the ashtray is full 餐桌上杯盤狼籍,煙缸里堆滿煙灰。