
ashram n.1.阿什拉姆〔印度教徒的一個團體隱居之地〕。2.〔美...

When we got to hsihu , miaoli , we did not know how to get to the ashram . i wanted to ask someone , but my husband wouldn t let me . he even teased me , “ didn t you say all you had to do was say namo ching hai wu shang shih five times , then you d be there 到了苗栗西湖卻不知怎么走才能到道場,我想下車問路,但我師兄不肯,還趁機取笑我說:你不是說,只要你念五次南無清海無上師就可以到達,你就念吧!

My life in our heaven - like ashram was completely different and i had never seen such hardship . not knowing how to comfort him , i blurted out , “ meditation can solve any problem ! 久居天堂般道場的我,哪里見過這樣的苦,不知該如何安慰他,脫口而出的還是那句話:打坐就會沒問題的!

So i closed my eyes and recited , “ namo ching hai wu shang shih , where is your ashram ? my husband brought me here to look for you . please guide us on our way . 我閉上眼,口中念著:南無清海無上師,您的道場在哪里,我先生帶我來找您,您趕快指引我們找到道場。

One fellow practitioner at the ashram said to me : “ if you wish , why don t you take it back and have a try 那個時候道場里的一位同修說:好,你喜歡,你拿回去試試看!

So i prayed to master in my heart , “ namo ching hai wu shang shih , where is your ashram 我就一直求師父說:南無清海無上師,您的道場在哪兒?


He works as a prison chaplain and expressed his touching feelings after reading the story by korean brother kim , who was also in prison . he said that the prison could become like an ashram if everyone had the right mind . maybe in the future , master s news magazines and her teachings could be known to more inmates in canadian prisons 這令我們想起在加拿大另一城市有位師兄,他目前在獄中擔任牧師,當他讀到韓國金師兄的故事后十分地感動,他說監獄可以就像一個道場一樣,如果每個人都有正確心態的話,也許在未來,師父的雜志和她的教理可以讓更多加拿大監獄的受刑人知道。

First , the unusual actions of the myriapod must be related to the high spiritual atmosphere in the meditation hall . obviously , the meditation hall in an ashram is a very holy place . so we should always keep our actions , speech and thoughts pure in order to protect the spiritual atmosphere in a meditation hall 這個故事本身雖簡單,卻給我一些很好的啟示:這只百足蟲不尋常的行動一定與大殿高等的靈性氣氛有關,可見道場的打坐大殿是一處很神圣的場所,我們應當隨時保持身口意清凈,以保護大殿的氣氛。

It s possible that when someone outside sees me handing popcorn to each one of you , he d think that you came here only for popcorn . then he may build an ashram and hand out popcorn every day , without knowing the real meaning . the person who gives popcorn must have power so that the popcorn will be blessed ; otherwise , doing it is meaningless 而且如果師父一個一個人給的話,更喜歡,意思是這樣子,后來有可能有人在外面看到,師父一個一個給人爆米花這樣,認為因為爆米花你們才來,以后自己蓋一個道場,然后就每天給爆米花,不曉得真正的含意是什么-給的人應該有力量,才有加持力如果沒有,就沒什么意思。

On sundays and holidays , whenever i could find the time , i used to enjoy a short stay at the hsihu ashram , and then took the night bus home i can still remember that day at ilan ashram , where our initiation session lasted late into the night . the ashram was a long way up the hill , so everyone hastily crowded into the small van that was taking them downhill 還記得印心的那一天,是在宜蘭道場山上,印完心,已經很晚了,山路很長,大家都趕著擠小貨車下山,我因為內心法喜充滿,也不想跟大家搶,于是就只剩下我和姊姊兩人獨步走下山,走著走著,突然間,一輛白色轎車停在我們身邊,車窗搖下來后,竟然是師父探出頭來,笑著對我們說:沒有車啊?

There is an ancient story that goes back to the times of sakyamuni buddha , when sariputra built a huge ashram for him . at that time , sariputra found a giant ant beneath a tree . pointing to the ant , he told the people around him , this ant has been here for many lifetimes and has listened to the lectures of several buddhas 以前也有一個故事:釋迦牟尼佛在世的時候,舍利佛替?建造一座很大的精舍,那時候舍利佛在一棵樹下看到一只很大的螞蟻,就指著那只螞蟻跟旁邊的人說:這只螞蟻已經在這邊好幾世了,聽好幾位佛講經了,但還是沒有開悟,因為它一直沉在螞蟻的等級。

Strolling around the hsihu center , one can see fellow practitioners wearing casual but comfortable cotton clothes , savoring delicious , naturally grown and nontoxic vegetables , and tirelessly retrieving , categorizing and recycling garbage . the nectar river , with its pure , clear water , flows through the delightfully green ashram . there are no luxurious temples or halls , and no superfluous forms of construction or decoration 漫步在西湖道場時,總是可以看到同修穿著簡單舒適的棉質衣衫,吃著天然無毒的美味蔬食,嚴格實施垃圾分類回收與再利用甘露河清澈蜿蜒,道場內綠意盎然,沒有豪華的寺廟殿堂,也沒有無謂的建筑與陳設。

In 1990 , the ashram underwent a renovation , and more flowers and grass were planted . as fellow practitioners were planting new grass in the small park , grass patches were cut neatly into square pieces , and placed on the soil about 60 cm from their adjacent squares in all directions . seeing some sister initiates placing the patches on the ground at these carefully measured distances , we followed their example and did the same 1990年,那個時候道場正在整修及種植花草,小公園有一些草是同修新種下去的,一塊一塊切得像磚塊大小般正正方方,每塊之間前后左右的距離大約都是60公分左右,師姊們正把它們一塊塊地算好距離放在土地上,我們也跟著照她們那樣做。

In countries like thailand , burma , au lac and sri lanka , there s a gate far away from the ashram . people have to take off their shoes before they enter and then go inside with bare feet ; sometimes you even have to bow all the way in from the gate 在泰國緬甸悠樂斯里蘭卡那些地方,他們的道場外面隔很遠的地方有一道門,人們要進去道埸的時候,在門那里就應該脫掉鞋子,然后赤腳走進去,有的甚至從門那里就要拜進去。

When we got to hsihu , miaoli , we did not know how to get to the ashram . i wanted to ask someone , but my husband wouldn t let me . he even teased me , “ didn t you say all you had to do was say namo ching hai wu shang shih five times , then you d be there 到了苗栗西湖卻不知怎么走才能到道場,我想下車問路,但我師兄不肯,還趁機取笑我說:你不是說,只要你念五次南無清海無上師就可以到達,你就念吧!

Through this experience , god has reminded us of the ever - changing quality of this mundane world ; made us grow out of our attachments and appreciate whatever we have now ; and as well , that our human body is also an ashram 這次體驗,也是上帝透過世間無常的轉變提醒我們,讓我們更除去執著而珍惜現有,體會人身即道場,只要將師父教理融入生活中精進修行,則處處是凈土,處處是道場。

Master explains why local group meditation centers exist , and reminds fellow initiates to inwardly seek the kingdom of god while living their lives rather than clinging to the idea of becoming a resident and thus being overly dependent on a center or ashram 師父闡述共修小中心存在的原因,并提醒同修要往內尋找天國,過自己的人生,而非一味想當長住,或過分依賴小中心與道場。

There , my older sister told me that she had felt car sick on the journey to the ashram and was very uncomfortable after she arrived . that was why master especially came to see us and bless my sister , after which she felt much better 這時,姊姊才告訴我,剛才因為她搭車來時暈車很不舒服,師父特地來看我們加持她,現在她已經舒服多了。

When i was in india searching for the truth , i lived in an ashram , where there was a tree , the kind that grows in the desert . its leaves were full of thorns . it had been chopped so badly that it could no longer grow any roots 以前我在印度求道時,住過一處道場,那里有一棵在沙漠生長的樹,它的葉子有刺,被人砍到沒有辦法再長出根來。

One day in 1992 , at the laiyi ashram , master was distributing blessed food to each fellow initiate . we went up to her one by one , and she would grab a handful of candies and put them into our hands 1992年,還記得有一回在來義道場,師父發加持物給每個同修,每個人走到師父面前時,師父都抓一把糖果放在他們手中。