
ashore adv.1.上岸,上陸。2.岸上,陸上。短語和例子ash...


The sea tided the debris ashore 潮水把碎片雜物沖上海灘。

Simon peter went aboard and dragged the net ashore fuii of big fish . . 西門彼得就上船把網拉到岸上. .

It occurred to me at once to go ashore 我立刻想到了上岸。

Eb : hold the board tight and the tide will send you ashore 海爾哥哥:抱住沖浪板,海潮會帶你上岸的。

Over a quarter million troops came ashore 超過25萬的軍隊登陸

So pap said somebody got to get ashore and get help somehow 這樣,爸爸說,總得有人上岸去求救啊。

Until then , the bears stranded ashore will have company 在那之前,徘徊于岸上的北極熊也會有訪客。

They have been ashore for two hours 他們上岸已經兩個小時了。

Simon peter went aboard and dragged the net ashore fuii of big fish 西門彼得就上船把網拉到岸上

No lives were lost , and we could wade ashore in safety 人都安然無恙,我們都能平安地涉水上岸。

The band struck up as soon as the president stepped ashore 總統一踏上岸,樂隊便開始演奏起來。

If we can t get ashore , all s up 要是我們上不了岸,那就全完了。 ”

Did i save him from the river to go ashore [ 3我把他從河中救了上岸

The boring boy bored ashore for ore core at the score 討厭的男孩在海岸上的刻線處鉆探礦核

We went ashore when the boat reached the port 船一靠港我們就上岸了

After swimming for an hour , he came ashore 他游泳一小時后,回到岸上。

No one is to go ashore without the captain ' s permission 沒有船長允許,誰都不能下地。

The sailors finished rattling down before going ashore 水手們在上岸之前做好了繩梯。

That means you , too , ethan . head ashore , sailor 你也一樣,伊頓靠岸,水手