
ashen adj.灰的,灰色的。 turn ashen 變蒼白。

What the devil do you think you are doing ? “ his eyes flashed with anger . his face was still ashen grey . i could not move . i went on standing there “你知道自己干得什么好事? ”他眼睛里冒著怒火,臉色還是死灰一般慘白。我動彈不得,還是站在那兒。


The unit is floored with italian woodgrain gray marbles and walled with ashen wood panels from australia to demonstrate a natural style . parts of the walls are covered with silvery gray silky fabrics , together with the italian lightings in geometric patterns and the finely decorated ceiling , a unique metropolitan environment in natural colour tones and modern styles are perfectly composed 單位以意大利灰色木紋大理石為地板,配襯澳洲ashen直條木墻身,流露自然風格部份墻身鋪以銀灰色絲質布料裝飾,加上幾何線條的意大利燈飾,以及富有質感的粉飾天花,讓自然色彩與時尚格調拼湊出獨特的新都會感覺。

Bluish white jade : the bluish white jade is its fundamental key with the white , dust , etc . flash green , flash blue and green , flash indistinctly in the white jade , very light blue , the powder is blue and green , ashen , etc . , it is the excessive varieties of white jade and sapphire , comparatively common with hetian jade 青白玉:青白玉以白色為其基調,在白玉中隱隱閃綠閃青閃灰等,常見有蔥白粉青灰白等,屬于白玉與青玉的過度品種,在和闐玉中較為常見。

His last journey was from the cathedral , attended by bill clinton , george bush senior , sir john major , an ashen - faced mr putin and others , to novodevichy cemetery , the top burial place after the kremlin wall 這一次,他從大教堂出發,在克林頓、老布什、梅杰以及面無表情的普金等人的護送下,前往克里姆林宮后的新處女高級公墓,完成了人生最后一段旅程。

The ashen stone pillars , abandoned by the sea as it receded hundreds of millions of years ago , bunch together into a geological ticket . the journey to the forest is as beautiful as the landscape that surround it 石林遠遠望去,有些矗立如林,有些峻拔如墻,有些拱抱如門,有些倒懸欲墜,使人驚心動魄,嘆為觀止。

The inquisitor ' s eyes grew wide in disbelief , “ ardan ? ardan the assassin ? the shade of light ? ” “ how could this be ? how … i don … ardan the ashen is your brother 檢察官的眼睛因為懷疑而瞪得老大, “阿旦?暗殺者阿旦?光明的暗影阿旦? ” “怎么會是這樣?怎么. . .我不知. . .灰燼阿旦居然是你的哥哥? ”

The second picture showed a fireman kicking this ashen silhouette only to discover half dozen little chicks alive ! the mother bird had sacrificed herself by wrapping her wings around her chicks 另一幅照片是消防員清理掉那只鳥后,看見六只小雞,那鳥用翅膀保護著小雞,因而犧牲了自己。

The pilot stands ashen - faced in the cockpit , nodding as we file past , but no one speaks to him and he offers no words of explanation 當我們一個個下機的時候,站在駕駛艙的飛行員面如土灰,像我們點著頭,但是,誰也沒有和他打招呼,他也沒有做一個字的解釋。

What the devil do you think you are doing ? “ his eyes flashed with anger . his face was still ashen grey . i could not move . i went on standing there “你知道自己干得什么好事? ”他眼睛里冒著怒火,臉色還是死灰一般慘白。我動彈不得,還是站在那兒。

Four kinds of basic tone of have white , blue and green , yellow , black with hetian jading etc . , have some transition color , for instance clean , getting ashen 和闐玉有白色青色黃色黑色等四種基本色調,還有一些過渡色,如清白色灰白色等等。

Had exploited in the past , but the malachite was ashen , and there was more crackle , include the black tinge spot again , there is no jade having good quality 以往曾開采,但玉石為灰白色,且裂紋較多,又含黑色暈斑,無質量上乘之玉。

He was coming downstairs with quaking legs ; his face was ashen white , and he leaned heavily on the banisters . she pretended to be blowing her nose 他像斷了腿似的,手扶著欄桿拖著腳步往下走,臉色煞白,他假裝擤鼻涕,沒看見她。

Ashen - faced , they leaned on each other for strength while the district attorney told them about the possible plea bargain 當地區檢察官告訴他們可能達成的交易時,他們面如土灰,相互靠著對方,才有力氣撐下去。

Just as his masters in the ashen order had taught him so many years ago , he cleared his mind and began to meditate 然后,就好像當年在灰袍修道會時他師傅曾經教過他的那樣,他努力讓精神澄凈開始進入冥想。

Because of the high transparency , the megrez brothers showed us not only the ashen light , but also the seas , craters and mountains 低倍上,兩個鏡子都很完美,包括月光、山脈、坑洞以及月海。

Come , said silver , struggling with his ashen lips to get the word out , this won t do . stand by to go about “走, ”西爾弗勉強說出話來,嘴唇都嚇成紫灰色了, “這樣可不行,起身出發!

After a while i was ordered out of the room , whereupon i met bert and lion again , the latter looking ashen 過了一陣子,我被叫到屋外,又遇見了伯特和萊昂,萊昂已是面如土色。

Clap eyes on sunshine , don ' t smell potpourri , went without colorific ashen mother earth , highly desolation 看不見陽光,聞不到花香,沒有色彩的大地,好荒涼。

His ashen face showed how shocked he was 他面如土色,說明他多么驚駭。