
ashamed adj.〔常用作表語〕 羞恥,慚愧,害臊。be asha...

“not so clearly, sir,“ i said, ashamed to admit it . “不太明白,先生,”我說。承認這一點我真感到害臊。


Then he was ashamed and was quiet and i went to sleep but, man, he's a ruin . 那時他害臊了,不作聲了,我就睡著了,不過,小伙子,他這個人完蛋了。

He was so proud of her, and so ashamed of himself, that he felt close to tears . 他為她感到十分自豪,為自己感到非常羞愧。他幾乎熱淚盈眶了。

I had only the credit of servilely copying such sentences as i was ashamed to put my name to . 我只是榮幸地恭錄那些我羞于為之署名的語句。

I'm like an old cavalry horse, he thought; if i stayed at home i would feel ashamed . 他覺得自己宛如一匹戰馬,呆在家里是一種莫大的恥辱。

Put yourself in my place; feel as mean as i did, as ashamed as i felt . 請你設身處地替我想一想吧,像我那么無地自容,那么羞愧難當。

Ashamed of his momentary pique, laurie squeezed the kind little hand . 勞麗握住那只善意的小手,對于自己心血來潮的牢騷感到很羞愧。

You have never done one single thing in all your life to be ashamed ofnot one . 你生平沒有做過一件虧心事一樁也沒有做過。

This morning you admitted you were ashamed of turning jim nicholas away . 今天上午你承認對拒絕接待吉姆尼古拉斯感覺慚愧。

The scotchman made a jump that a chamois would not have been ashamed of . 那位蘇格蘭人用可以和羚羊媲美的輕巧勁兒向后一跳。

Dorothea felt rather ashamed as she detected herself in these speculations . 多蘿西婭發現自己這么胡思亂想,不免有些臉紅。

He was never ashamed in the least of his home, nor was miriam of hers . 他從來也沒有絲毫嫌棄自己家的意思,米麗安也一樣。

This is such a commonplace that i am almost ashamed to state it . 這是極平常,不足道的事情,所以我幾乎不好意思提起它。

I wonder you're not ashamed of yourself before a strange young man . 我奇怪你在一位年輕的陌生人面前竟一點也不知害羞!

Never am i ashamed to confess my ignorance of what i do not know . (因此)我是不知道的事就承認說不知道,并不害羞。

They are rather ashamed of george; he is the black sheep of the family . 他們為喬治而害臊,他是家里的害群之馬。

Louise is the daughter of a rich man but she is not ashamed to study . 路易絲是富翁的女兒,但卻并不以讀書為恥。

I do not know that i am sorry, i do not know that i am ashamed . 我不知道我有什么悔恨,我不知道我有什么羞恥。

My clothing became so shabby that i was ashamed to go to school . 我身上的衣服太破了,我都不好意思去上學了。