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ash wednesday 四旬節的第一天〔羅馬天主教在這一天向懺悔者頭上撒灰〕。


We had our impressions and shared them honestly . then i saw the movie on ash wednesday , the opening day , and i would say everybody should see it at least twice . the first time you see it you are not prepared for it 幾個月前,米路吉遜邀請了我們一家去他那里看過那電影,真的非常震撼,我們坦白的把感受跟他分享,星期三首映時我再看了一遍,我認為每個人至少要看兩遍。

In the christian church , it is the time historically when people prepare themselves for the passion of our lord jesus christ and easter . so on ash wednesday many of us decide what we will give up 現在我說的是牛,不是保球,所以你們才會有人舉手,我不大清楚為甚么有人舉手,我說牛,就是有角的,知道嗎?

After the ash wednesday the sinners used to kneel at the entrance of the church , wearing sackcloth with ashes on their head , asking for prayer from the brothers and sisters who were entering the church 在圣灰禮儀中罪人們穿上粗衣,頭上灑了灰,跪到圣堂門口,求進堂的兄弟姊妹為他們祈禱。

On ash wednesday , mel gibson ' s the passion of the christ is released in movie theaters across the united states , grossing approximately $ 370 million domestically 2004年的今天,在復活節前的第七個星期三,梅爾?吉布森的電影《耶穌受難》在全美的影院中播映,國內票房總收入近3億七千萬美元。

If you are feeling the urge to evangelize , you may consider bringing your friends to watch “ the passion of the christ ” , coming out this ash wednesday ( february 25 ) 如果你感到這份福傳的熱誠,你可考慮帶你的朋友看一部電影,各為耶穌的受難,在二月二十五日圣灰瞻禮當日上映。

On the saturday night before ash wednesday , the people of helvetia put on scary masks and decorate their homes with scary figures to frighten away old man winter 圣灰星期三的前一個星期六晚上,為了要嚇跑冬天老伯,赫爾維蒂的居民會戴上可怕的面具并用可怕的畫像裝飾住家。

Witnesses report seeing less smoke and ash wednesday but say the volcano spit out flaming material up to 15 meters into the air 目擊者說,星期三見到的煙霧和巖塵有所減少,但是說火山向空中噴射出15米高的燃燒物。

Traditionally made of papier - mache by mascherari , the masks are used during carnevale celebrations that envelop venice for two weeks before ash wednesday 威尼斯傳統面具由紙制成,通常在威尼斯狂歡節中使用。

Mardi gras is always the day before ash wednesday , when lent begins , and always falls exactly 46 days before easter 狂歡節是永遠在灰色周三之前,也就是四旬齋開始前,正好在復活節前面46天。

March 1st was ash wednesday . ash wednesday is the beginning of lent 日是圣灰星期三圣灰星期三是四旬期的序幕