
ash n.1.〔常 pl.〕 灰。2.〔pl.〕灰燼;廢墟。3...

Caseins . determination of “ fixes ash “ reference method 酪蛋白. “固定灰分“的測定

There are not only separate male and female but also trees with flowers of both sexes: ash is “trioecious“ . 不僅有分離的雄株和雌株,而且也有兩性花的樹木;白蠟是“單全異株”的。

ash can

Need you drop ash all over my best carpet 你偏要把煙灰撒滿我最好的地毯上嗎?

Effect of bedding ash manure composed of burnt 板栗育苗時基肥施用火糞效應研究

Animal and vegetable fats and oils . determination of ash 動植物脂肪和油.灰分測定

Mr . ash , dream of having an eye exam lately 艾希先生,最近有夢到檢查眼睛嗎?

Bitumen and bituminous binders - determination of ash 瀝青和瀝青粘合物.灰分的測定

Determination of total ash of milk and milk products 乳和乳制品的總灰分的測定

Method for the determination of crude ash in feedstuffs 飼料中粗灰分的測定方法

Feed materials : fertilizer , different types of ash , salt 給料:肥料灰鹽礦。

An approach to reduction of ash and sulfur in fine coal 細粒煤脫硫降灰的途徑探討

Test method for ash in analysis of petroleum coke 石油焦炭分析中灰分的試驗方法

Properties on incipient velocity and consolidation of fly ash 粉煤灰固結起動特性

Standard test methods for carbon black - ash content 炭黑的標準測試方法.灰分含量

Instant tea in solid form . determination of total ash 固體速溶茶.總灰分的測定

Atmospheric air - test dust standard sample - fly ash 大氣試驗粉塵標準樣品煤飛灰

Solid mineral fuels . determination of ash content 固體礦物燃料.灰分含量的測定

Method for determination of total ash in oilseed residues 油料餅粕總灰分測定法

Caseins . determination of “ fixes ash “ reference method 酪蛋白. “固定灰分“的測定