
aseptic adj.1.無菌的,防腐的。2.無生氣的,冷漠的;超然的...


The viruses can cause a variety of diseases ranging from mild and common illnesses such as hand , foot and mouth disease , conjunctivitis to severe but rare conditions like paralysis , myocarditis and aseptic meningitis 它可引致多種疾病,比較輕微和常見的如手足口病和紅眼癥,但亦可引起較嚴重的疾病如肌肉麻痹心肌炎無菌性腦膜炎等。

All products are through the full - automatic aseptic packaging of installation vacuum of pot , strict and scientific quality is verified . we guarantee to accord with the strict demand for the quality safety of national food 所有產品都經全自動灌裝機真空無菌包裝,加以嚴格而科學的品質檢驗,保證符合國家食品質量安全qs的嚴格要求。

In all treatments of aseptic seedlings under 4 for different days , the treatment under 4 for 4 days produced the most amount ( 80 % ) of resistant embryogenic calli induced from hypocotyls 其中幼苗經4ac處理4天,從其下胚軸所獲得的抗性愈傷最多,其抗性愈傷組織的誘導頻率為80 % ,高于其它各處理的抗性愈傷組織的誘導頻率。

They can cause a variety of diseases ranging from mild and common illnesses like hand , foot and mouth disease , conjunctivitis to severe but rare conditions like paralysis , myocarditis and aseptic meningitis 它可引致多種疾病,比較輕微和常見的如手足口病和紅眼癥,但亦可引起較嚴重的病如肌肉麻痹、心肌炎、無菌性腦膜炎等。

Abstract : this is a review about regeneration of aseptic seedling of panaxquinquefolium l . , methods of the tissue and cell cultures , factors effected on the growth of the cell and the synthesis of ginsenosides 文摘:對西洋參試管苗的再生、組織細胞的幾種培養方法、細胞生長及人參皂苷合成的影響因素做了全面的綜述。

Taking high quality pear from mountain orchard , adopting advancede technoiogy and equipment . the product is processed in zhe closed aseptic condition , keep zhe natural taste and nutrition of zhe pear 精選高山果園的優質果品,采用意大利冷打漿工藝,全封閉環境生產,保留了梨的原汁原味和有效成份。

Aseptic filling : operation whereby the product is sterilized separately , then filled and packaged using sterilized containers and closure in critical processing zones 無菌灌裝:產品在特殊的區域被無菌隔離,然后用無菌容器進行灌裝并包裝和密封的操作。

Although this method avoids the necessity of using aseptic techniqnes , as in the method of gilmore , we recommend that sterilized glassware be used 雖然這種方法免去了應用滅菌技術的必要性,就像在gilmore的方法中那樣,我們還是建議采用消毒的玻璃器皿。

Comply with the rule of aseptic technique during wound dressing see below . 2 cleaning of wound : - always wipe from inside to outside and not vice versa -保持傷口清潔,換癥洗傷口及換敷料時須執行無菌技術見下頁,確保所需物料經過消毒殺菌程序。

Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs . method for aseptic sampling in view of the microbiological analysis of preserved and assimilated products 食品和動物飼料的微生物學.罐頭及同化產品微生物分析用無菌取樣方法

In august , 2003 , demonstrated by hui yuan group in beijing , they contract with us about producing 3 line of aseptic cold filling 2003年8月,北京匯源果汁集團經過周密論證,深入考察,與我公司簽訂了3條無菌冷灌裝生產線。

We cooperated with shanghai transport university , and developed a new product aseptic milk filling machine , it be used in the market in april , 2004 2004年4月與上海交大共同研制開發的液體牛奶枕包無菌灌裝機面世。

Prevent and treat infection or rupture of incision by strict aseptic manipulation , hemostasis and right use of antibiotics ( 2 )嚴格無菌操作,嚴密止血,正確使用抗生素,防治切口感染或裂開。

5 retrospective validation uses the data of earlier manufactures , but is not a recommended technique for aseptic processes 5回顧性驗證使用以前的生產數據,無菌工藝不提倡用回顧性驗證。

Clinical observation on the treatment of 54 cases of aseptic necrosis of head of femur integration tcm with western medicine 中西醫結合治療成人股骨頭無菌性壞死54例臨床觀察

Application of light machine electricity integral whole technique in aseptic packaging machine for beverage packed by box 光機電一體化技術在一種盒裝飲料無菌包裝機中的應用

Era ' s super 10 - thousand - grade purification system leads to non - contact and aseptic production environment 超純萬級空氣凈化系統創造良好的生產環境,實現無接觸、無菌操作。

Sterilization of medical devices - aseptic processing of liquid medical devices - requirements ; german version en 13824 : 2004 醫療裝置的消毒.液體醫療裝置的無菌處理.要求

Hypocotyls were excised from 7 , 11 and 30 days old aseptic seedling to transform under the same condition 分別研究了胡蘿卜不同苗齡( 7d 、 lld 、 30d )的抗性愈傷形成率。