
asepsis n.【醫學】無菌(法);防腐(法)。


The factory has established the quality control system according to the iso9000 standard , has yearly produces the disposable use infusion 50 , 000 , 000 set of , disposable use asepsis injector 100 , 000 , 000 with the medical level pvc aggregate 600 ton scales of production , is the national big disposable medical service thing production enterprise 工廠按iso9000標準建立了質量管理體系,具有年產一次性使用輸液器5000萬套、一次性使用無菌注射器1億支和醫用級pvc粒料600噸的生產規模,是全國較大的一次性醫療用品生產企業。

Yangzhou kanglilai medical apparatus instruments co . , ltd . is an enterprise specialized in the production of asepsis medical apparatus instruments and is located at beautiful landscape bank of the yangtze river and covers an area abut 20000mm2 . the area of construction in the first phase is 7500 mm2 and 2000 mm2 of one hundred thousand grade purification workshop . this enterprise is a modern , garden style , brand - new hi - tech medical apparatus and instruments one 揚州市康利萊醫療器械有限公司是專業生產一次性使用無菌醫療器械的企業.座落于風景秀麗的長江之濱.公司占地面積近20000平方米.第一期建筑面積7500平方米,十萬級凈化車間2000平方米.是一家現代化,花園式的嶄新醫療器械高新技術生產企業

Model ofsdf - c double mainframe extrusion film complex machinery unit , ushered in foreign advanced technique , finished double - side film technical advanced type of airplane at domestic , the equipment used to need produce and complete compound materials at one time multi - layer like milk box , syrup box , syrup box , syrup box , drink box and etc . , it is an ideal equipment of producing asepsis wrapper 型雙主機擠出淋膜復合機組,吸收國外先進技術,是目前國內一次完成雙面淋膜工藝的先進機種,設備用于需要一次生產完成的雙面涂塑紙,或多層的如牛奶盒、果汁盒、飲料盒等復合材料,是生產無菌包裝材料的理想設備。

Before bottle , the product adopt the device of membrane separation which is to utilize nano technology reach super filtration level , the clear liquid filtered is asepsis , it protect active material and various kinds of amino acid of products not to be decreased 本品在灌裝前采用的膜分離裝置,是利用納米技術達到超濾水平,它所過濾出的清液是無菌的,從而保護了產品中的活性物質和各種氨基酸不受損失;

The imported equipment use the most advanced pet asepsis cold - fill line and asepsis soft - packing line , which brings 4 benefits of more fresh taste , more rich nutrition , more convenient usage and more safe on consumption 公司引進的設備不僅采用無菌冷灌裝的生產工藝,而且充分利用本身的技術特色,使產品口味更新鮮、營養更豐富、使用更方便、消費更安全的四大優點。

At present , the asepsis soft packing line produced by our company is warmly accepted and appreciated by the users in and abroad for its progressed design , asepsis characteristic , reliable and steady and the best and proper price 目前,我公司生產的無菌軟包裝生產線,由于具有國際先進的設計、無菌性能、可靠的設備穩定性和最佳的性價比,深受國內外用戶的青睞。

The chinese star medical instrument by the disposable use asepsis medical appliance development and the development , offers to the world medical enterprise , offers in humanity ' s healthy enterprise , offers in the modern civilization life 華星醫療器械以一次性使用無菌醫用器具的研制和開發,奉獻于世界的醫療事業,奉獻于人類的健康事業,奉獻于現代文明生活。

Plug : d - sub db15 with the trunbuckle fixed ; iec tpu asepsis wire is safe to patients body adding static coating layer special alloy conductor increase the life - span of leadwire for 3 - 5 times electrode juncture : od3 . 0mmstraight needle Nihon kohden光電: 9010 9020 9130 8420 , 92c -邦建心電圖機理邦:北倫特:東江等心電圖機新款通用型

Normal person ( the person with immune sound system ) hepatic interior is to present asepsis position , because it has defence cell , can filter bacterium of entered cause of disease and eliminate 正常人(免疫系統健全的人)的肝臟內部是呈現無菌狀態,因為它具有防御細胞,可將進入的病原菌過濾并消滅之。

Conclusion : after confirmation , the certification tests of fosomycin sodium for injection asepsis check can be completed with film filtration mean , so the mean is fit for fosfomycin asepsis check 結論:經過驗證,該方法能夠有效地完成注射用磷霉素鈉的無菌檢查,適合該藥品的無菌檢查。

In nov . 26th , 2004 tianjin science and technology study center finished the international latest technology testing report for the sybw series asepsis packing machine 2004年11月26日,天津市科學技術信息研究所完成sybw系列無菌包裝機的國際科技查新報告。

In july 8 th , 2004 , tianjin science and technology study center finished country latest technology testing report for the sybw series asepsis packing machine 2004年7月8日,天津市科學技術信息研究所完成sybw系列無菌包裝機的國內科技查新報告。

June 21st , 2004 reported by the 《 china food daily 》 because of the innovation of the asepsis soft packing machine production line 2004年6月21日由于在國產無菌奶軟包裝生產線的創新突破“中國食品報”進行了報道。

Character : crystal powder , it likes white or grey , asepsis , odorless , and can dissolve in muriatic acid , nitric acid 性狀:結晶粉末,呈白色或灰白色,無毒、無臭、能溶于鹽酸、硝酸。

Objective : confirm that this mean adopted is fit for fosfomycin sodium for injection asepsis check 摘要目的:確認所采用的方法適合于該藥品的無菌檢查。

Asepsis control of iniection hematoporphvrin 血卟啉注射液無菌控制