
aseismatic adj.耐震的。

But it is possible to reduce the shear “ resistance and aseismatic ability when back covered porous brick builds the brickwork because it has not the “ pin “ formed by the masonry mortar leaked into the hole 但由于是盲孔,砌筑時沒有因漏漿而形成的“銷鍵”作用,可能會降低砌體的抗剪能力,不利于抗震。


So the topic for farther discussion will be developed on the ground of soil - foundation - structure interactions , and em phasizes particularly on the investigation for dynamic effects on interaction of pile - supported structures subjected to lateral seismic load at layered - soil media . it will provide engineering application with practical and concise computational method , but also provides the aseismatic design for pile - supported structures with proper theory foundations and schemes to some extent on condition that definite codes are absent at present . the full article is divided into six chapters , as follows : 1 本論文工作將圍繞地基-基礎-上部結構共同作用這一課題作進一步探討,側重于水平地震作用下層狀地基土中的樁基-建筑物的動力相互作用的研究,為實踐應用提供了適合于工程目的的、比較簡捷的實用計算方法,亦擬為沒有明確規范指導的樁(土)基礎-結構抗震設計提供一定的理論依據和設計建議。

Ours government forbid to use solid bricks form uuly , 2003 . the steel structure become the first and the foremost structural system for the large number of domicile architecture because the architectural velocity of the steel structure is quick , its aseismatic function is good , its architectural facade is beautiful and levitly 對于大量化的住宅建筑,鋼結構成為首選的建筑結構體系。因為鋼結構建造速度快、抗震性能好、其建筑立面美觀且富于變化等,同時隨著我國鋼產量的大幅度提高,其應用前景必然是非常廣泛的。

Some problems and difficulties urgently to be solved in seismic research of high concrete arch dams were reviewed , including to find simple and practical methods for comprehensive analysis of dam foundation , dam body , and reservoir water , to work out rational safety evaluation criteria for high arch dams , to study the dynamic behavior of the strength of concrete materials , to develop the seismic input model of the dam - site river valley , and to explore aseismatic measures 摘要綜述能對壩基、壩身與庫水綜合分析的簡單實用方法,合理的高拱壩抗震安全評價準則,混凝土材料強度的動力特性,壩址河谷地震動的輸入模型,抗震工程措施等高拱壩抗震研究中亟待解決的問題和難點。

The aseismatic behaviors of the two frames are analyzed and compared , with emphases on failure mechanism , hysteretic property , displacement ductility , energy - dissipation capacity as well as stiffness degeneration , etc , to find the influence of steel - fiber concrete to the aseismatic behaviors of the prestressed concrete flat - beam frame structures 計算機仿真模擬結果和試驗結果的比較發現,在框架的開裂破壞形態、極限承載力等方面基本吻合。該研究成果可為扁梁框架結構體系的設計和有關規范的增補提供依據,具有很好的應用前景。

At the same time , it brings the greater displacement reaction , lower energy - dissipation capacity and badly ductility ability etc . the unbonded partially prestressed concrete flat - beam frame structure has been used in the practice project in our country , but the aseismatic study of this structure is not perfect at present , study on theory is lagged behind the demand of engineering apply . it has important theoretic meaning and applied value to go deep into the examinational study about the prestressed concrete flat - beam frame structures 近年來國內已經開始在實際工程中采用無粘結部分預應力混凝土扁梁框架結構,但是目前對這種結構形式的抗震研究工作還不完善,理論研究已滯后于工程應用的需要,因此深入進行扁梁框架結構的研究,在經濟合理的情況下確保該結構的抗震安全性具有重要的理論意義和應用價值。

The paper also compared lfswsums with fsmrcss on aseismatic property . secondly , the paper created compute model of space beam system constructure on the fsmrcss , and studied stress distribution in fsmrcwb under vertical loads and under elastic earthquake force with constant vertical loads respectively 其次,建立了該結構體系的空間桿系結構的計算模型,對結構應力分布及墻梁的受力機理進行了分析,研究了結構在豎向荷載與小震水平地震作用下的應力分布。

In this paper taking nanjing changjiang immersed tunnel as an example , the author made a research of aseismatic analyses of immersed tunnels by introducing fem , and also , made a further discussion of factors such as depth , geologic conditions , water and boundary conditions 本文利用南京長江沉管隧道的基本資料,探討了如何利用動力有限元法對沉管隧道進行抗震分析,并利用這一方法分析了埋深、地質條件、水、邊界條件等因素對沉管隧道地震反應的影響。

Earthquake is the most serious paroxysmal natural disaster for people . it ' s urgent to take economical and effective measurement in improving the aseismatic capability of building which have been built or will be built , especially for our country , a ldc where earthquake is frequent 地震是人類所面臨的最嚴重的突發性自然災害,我國作為一個地震多發的經濟不發達國家,采取經濟、有效的措施提高已建和擬建建筑的抗震能力是亟待解決的問題。

The reinforcing - bar is coupled with the electric welded screw behind the face plate to make it become a strong whole , strengthening greatly the rigidity and strength of single aluminum plate curtain wall , guaranteeing the flatness and anti - wind and aseismatic ability in the employment for a long period 加強筋與板面后的電焊螺釘聯接,使之成為一個牢固的整體,極大增強了鋁單板幕墻的強度與剛性,保證了長期使用中的平整度及抗風抗震能力。

The feasible study of xiaowan double curved arch - dam aseismatic analysis resulted , there are internal partly high stress in the dam at basis situation , in earthquake response and in the construction . the structure shoud be modified to meet the need of low stress 可研階段的抗震分析計算結果表明,在基本工況和地震特殊工況及施工期,壩體局部存在較高的應力與不利分布,有必要進一步改善體型和結構布置以降低壩體應力水平。

Nuclear power plant and nuclear installation build a project , what cause radioactivity pollution possibly is serious and secondary after sufferring an earthquake to destroy calamity , must undertake seismic security is evaluated seriously , undertake strict aseismatic fortify lawfully 核電站和核設施建設工程,受地震破壞后可能引發放射性污染的嚴重次生災難,必須認真進行地震安全性評價,并依法進行嚴格的抗震設防

Key construction project and likelihood happen serious and secondary the construction project of calamity , must undertake seismic security is evaluated ; the result that evaluates according to seismic security , decide aseismatic fortify asks , undertake aseismatic fortify 重點建設工程和可能發生嚴重次生災難的建設工程,必須進行地震安全性評價;并根據地震安全性評價的結果,確定抗震設防要求,進行抗震設防。

Moreover , the horizontal system is much more stable than the conventional one ( vertical afm ) , which usually has a high center of weight , a poor aseismatic capability , and the weight of the probe unit may potentially make itself creep down along the guide way 此外,臥式afm克服了傳統立式系統重心高、抗震性差,以及探頭本身的重量可能使其沿導軌向下蠕動,從而降低系統的穩定性和重復性等缺點。

Utilitarian type of marital credit has the character of frangibility and variability , cognitive type of marital credit has the aseismatic character for marital problems to a certain extent , and faith type of marital credit can reduce potential risks of marital problems 功利型婚姻信任具有脆弱性和易變性,認知型婚姻信任對婚變具有一定的抗震性,信念型婚姻信任能夠降低婚變的潛在風險。

Compared with normal concrete , lightweight aggregate is provided with virtues : lightweight and high strength , heat insulation and preservation , fire - resistant , aseismatic , durability , general economical and technical effect 與普通混凝土相比,輕骨料混凝土具有:輕質高強、隔熱保溫性能好,耐火性能好,抗震性能好,耐久性能好,綜合的經濟技術效果好。

In the meantime , on the basis of theoretical analyses , this paper summarized the whole formula of the aseismatic shear strength of brick walls with general meaning , including all kinds of seismic fortification measures 同時,通過理論和試驗分析,推導出考慮各種構造措施后的墻體抗剪驗算總公式。通過工程實例驗算,表明論文所提出的公式是可行的。

Article 19 all construction projects shall be designed in compliance with the requirements for fortification against earthquakes and in conformity with the standard aseismatic design and shall be constructed in accordance with the design 第十九條建設工程必須按照抗震設防要求和抗震設計規范進行抗震設計,并按照抗震設計進行施工。

The damage performance - based aseismatic design method can calculate distortion and dissipating hysteretic energy under seismic action , and form intuitionistic aim matrix of damage performance by damage index 基于地震損傷性能的設計方法考慮了地震作用下結構的變形和累積耗能,并將性能量化為損傷指數,形成直觀的損傷性能目標矩陣。