
asean ASEAN = Association of South...

“ asean 3 “ includes also china , japan and korea 東盟3則包括中國日本及韓國。


What influences has it had on asean and china Afta計劃給東盟及中國經濟帶來哪些影響

China ' s rise and adjustment of asean ' s diplomatic strategy 中國崛起與東盟對外戰略調整

Usa - asean relations since the september 11th event 中國與東盟經貿關系發展的現狀與前景

Trade character between yunan province and asean countries 云南與東盟國家貿易狀況分析

An analysis of asean ' s security mechanism after cold war 冷戰后東盟安全機制的初步分析

Analysis of china ' s investments in asean countries 中國對東盟國家投資分析

An analysis on the impacts of china - asean exposition 東盟博覽會的效應分析

On the construction of the sino - asean security regime 東盟安全機制的建構

On the economic cooperation between asean and east asia 東盟與東亞經濟合作

Asean cognitive change in asean - japanese relations 日本關系發展演變中東盟的認知轉變

Asean ' s container ports : present condition and prospect 東盟集裝箱港發展的現狀與前景

Challenges for the creation of asean security community 建立東盟安全共同體面臨的考驗

An empirical study of trade between japan and asean 日本與東盟雙邊貿易狀況的實證分析

The analysis of trade between china and asean countries 中國與東盟國家之間的貿易分析

Security cooperation of asean countries and its influence 東盟國家的安全合作及其影響

India - asean regional economic cooperation : an overview 東亞區域合作中的韓國與東盟

China and asean countries attorneys - general conference 中國與東盟成員國總檢察長會議

The being constructed regional cooperation between china and asean 東盟區域合作初論