
ascus n.(pl. asci ) 【植物;植物學】子囊。

It will make its appearance in a new line of servers that are code - named “ squadrons “ and in the teraflop asci purple computer scheduled to be delivered to lawrence livermore in the second half of 2004 Power5芯片將裝備一條新的服務器產品線,這些服務器代號為“ squadron ” ,將于2004年下半年在勞倫斯利物浦發布。

“ i ' ve seen scientists look at materials calculations on asci white and say , i knew that happened , but i couldn ' t prove it , “ schwoegler said 學性的“ 。換句話說,盡管核彈成功了,但是,建造核彈的科學家是根據理論而不是根據實際觀察建造它們的。


It will make its appearance in a new line of servers that are code - named “ squadrons “ and in the teraflop asci purple computer scheduled to be delivered to lawrence livermore in the second half of 2004 Power5芯片將裝備一條新的服務器產品線,這些服務器代號為“ squadron ” ,將于2004年下半年在勞倫斯利物浦發布。

“ i ' ve seen scientists look at materials calculations on asci white and say , i knew that happened , but i couldn ' t prove it , “ schwoegler said 學性的“ 。換句話說,盡管核彈成功了,但是,建造核彈的科學家是根據理論而不是根據實際觀察建造它們的。

Asci purple is expected to be delivered to lawrence livermore in the second half of 2004 Asci purple有望在2004年下半年運送到勞倫斯利物浦。

Asci for the world s fastest computer , and read the associated article , ( asci ) ,找到世界上最快的計算機,并閱讀相關文章, “

Acute spinal cord injury asci 治療急性脊髓損傷