
ascription n.1.歸與;歸因;推諉。2.【宗教】(牧師在布道后所說...

Accountability must set up corresponding institutional standards , perfect the institutional system of “ responsibility clarification - accountability - responsibility ascription “ and accountability laws , clarify accountability ranges , standardize accountability practice , perfect accountability organizations , to ensure its long - term and scientific development 問責制必須建立起相應的制度規范,健全“明確責任實施問責責任追究”的制度體系,完善問責法規、明確問責范圍、規范問責行為、健全問責機構,才能朝著長遠、科學的方向發展。


In addition , the writer puts forward some opinions in the criteria of the duty of care in teaching management for the teachers , the ascription of responsibilities of hurts to or from students due to inevitable accidental causes , the legal responsibilities of one party between the school and the students who disobeys the attached obligations , and moreover the range of responsibilities for hurts to or from students 另外,本文還就學校教師在教育教學管理過程中對學生安全之注意義務的標準、因不可抗力或意外事故致在校學生傷害的責任歸屬、校方和在校學生一方違反附隨義務的法律責任、以及在校學生傷害事故責任承擔范圍等問題提出了自己的主張。

Ownership , in this dissertation , refers to the property ascription in the legal sense , while property right refers to the right of actual use of the property , which includes the right for one to employ the property not belonging to oneself but under one ' s control , for example , lease 為了便于研究,本人將產權和所有權區分開來,所有權僅指法律上的財產歸屬,而產權則指實際運用財產的權利。它包括不屬于本人的財產如租賃,但歸本人支配的財產權利,產權也包括在交易中對產品和勞動的權利。

Accountability must set up corresponding institutional standards , perfect the institutional system of “ responsibility clarification - accountability - responsibility ascription “ and accountability laws , clarify accountability ranges , standardize accountability practice , perfect accountability organizations , to ensure its long - term and scientific development 問責制必須建立起相應的制度規范,健全“明確責任實施問責責任追究”的制度體系,完善問責法規、明確問責范圍、規范問責行為、健全問責機構,才能朝著長遠、科學的方向發展。

The major goal of the paper is to study the ascription of civil responsibilities for hurts to or from students . according to different age stages of main bodies involved in the hurts , the paper divides the responsibilities into two sorts : the responsibilities for hurts from adult students and the responsibilities for hurts from underage students 研究在校學生傷害事故中民事責任的歸屬是本文的根本目的,本文根據在校學生傷害事故所涉主體的年齡,分成年學生傷害事故責任劃分和未成年學生傷害事故責任劃分兩部分論述。

In addition , the dissertation makes analysis of several kinds of typical cases on the legal nature and ascription of the shared area , which result in a general rule for referance in judicial practice to determine the ascription of the kinds of shared area , and so as to perfect the relevant laws and regulations in china 此外,文章對現實生活中幾類典型的共有共用部分的法律性質及歸屬在結合案例的基礎上進行了分析,得出確定這幾類共有共用部分權屬的一般規則,為司法實踐提供參考意見,并以此完善我國的相關法律規定。

Because of the attributes of invisibility , robustness and safety for the imbedded information , it is possible that the quality of the imbedded image is not destroyed after imbedding operation , meanwhile the ascription of copyright of the protected image is still available after some processing 利用數字圖像水印技術嵌入的被隱藏信息具有不可見性、魯棒性和安全性等特點,可以不破壞被保護圖像的圖像質量,同時使得被保護圖像在傳播、復制和非法篡改之后仍然能夠被判斷出其版權歸屬。

It is the first time to discover the early paleozoic strata based on reliable fossils , which not only provides evidence to its age ascription , classification of the strata and its correlation to adjacent areas but also offers data to lithofacies , palaeogeography and tectonic pattern of studied area 為該巖系的時代歸屬、地層劃分及與鄰區對比提供了古生物證據,也為研究該區巖相古地理、大地構造格局提供了可靠資料。

Considering the complexity of ascription in property right and the difficulty of trade on it , compared with m & a and collectivization , china hotels should adopt strategic alliance as a viable choice to gain competitive advantage 由于當前我國單體飯店產權歸屬較復雜,產權交易相對困難,因而較之通過購并實行集團化經營而言,戰略聯盟成為我國飯店企業贏取競爭優勢的更為現實的選擇。

By analyzing the causation of water resource crisis and the settlement , the article points out the legal system , including the ascription of ownership of water resources , the creation of the water right and the water permit system 通過分析水資源危機的原因和解決途徑,引出水資源配置的法律制度設計,包括水資源所有權的確定、水權的設置和作為水權取得方式之一的用水許可制度。

Nowadays , groundwater resource of yinchuan is in short , and the system of groundwater management is also disordered ; the ascription of the water rights power is unknown , lacking effective and restricted mechanism of groundwater and lacking the market leading 摘要目前,銀川市地下水資源短缺,地下水管理體系混亂,水權權屬不明,缺乏有效的激勵和約束機制,缺乏市場引導。

I wonder whether one of the formal reasons for the hostile reception the book occasionally encounters isn ' t precisely that we worked it out together , depriving the public of the quarrels and ascriptions it loves 我不免懷疑,這本書有時受到敵意的對待,正式的理由并不完全是我們通力合作,而使俗眾看不到可以幸災樂禍的爭吵和原因。

Justice and efficiency should be our ultimate jumping - off place and ascription when we institute social policy and constitute law , and so it should be the main theoretical basis on levying estate duty 公平與效率應當是我們制定社會政策和立法的根本出發點和歸屬。因而,公平與效率理應是開征遺產稅的主要理論依據。

The procedure institutions mainly involve the application of simple procedure , the ascription of right of petition , the setting of trustee in bankruptcy and the exertion of reconciled procedure 程序制度上主要涉及簡易程序的適用、破產申請權的歸屬、破產管理人的設置以及和解程序的靈活運用。

Nowadays , some athletes frequently have conflicts with their training units on the ascription problems of their competition bonus , donates and advertisements incomes 當前,競技體育運動員和所在訓練單位,就運動員獲得的比賽獎金、捐贈贊助以及從事廣告等經營性活動收益的歸屬問題,頻頻產生糾紛。

This paper points out that the essential of the conflicts is the ascription problems of the material benefits from the sports capability 本文提出,糾紛的實質是運動員競技能力物質利益的歸屬問題。

Article2 this law is applied to civil relationship based on ascription and utilization of belongings 本法所稱物,包括不動產和動產。法律規定權利作為物權客體的,依照其規定。

The distinction of identity and the ascription of liability is the basis of all legal relationship 身分辨識及責任歸屬是一切法律關系的基礎。

Family means some ascription for the yong as well as the elder 家庭無論對年輕人還是老年人都意味著某種歸屬