
ascribe vt.把…歸于,把…推諉到…上,…說是(某人)所… (t...

In ascribing “natural force“ to the law, cicero made it clear that the mind and reason of the intelligent man was the standard by which justice and injustice were to be measured . 西塞羅在把“自然效力”歸于該法律時,明確地提出智者的理性是衡量正義與非正義的標準。


Most gamblers tend to ascribe meaning to purely random , independent events 大多數賭徒容易歸咎于僅某件隨意又獨立的事情。

For the name of jehovah will i declare . ascribe greatness to our god 3我要宣告耶和華的名;你們要將尊大歸與我們的神!

I get my knowledge from afar ; i will ascribe justice to my maker 3我要將所知道的從遠處引來,將公義歸給造我的主。

This might be ascribed to the chair ' s higher position in the company 這種情形可能與主持在公司的職位有關。

Ascribed their failure to bad luck 將失敗歸結于運氣不佳

Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own 切勿把比自己的更為下流的動機說成是對手的。

He ascribes his success to luck 他把他的成功歸因于運氣。

28i ascribe my success to hard work 我把我的成功歸于勤奮

He ascribed his failure to bad luck 他把失敗歸咎于運氣不好

A minister ascribed to the wrong department - 場妮場巋? -

He ascribed his failure to bad luck 他把失敗歸于運氣不佳。

For many years these poems were wrongly ascribed to marlowe 多年來,這些詩歌被誤認為是馬洛的作品。

His death is ascribed to poisoning 他的死被認為系中毒所致。

He ascribed his good health to proper diet and exercise 他把他的身體好歸功于飲食適當和體育鍛煉。

He ascribed his failure to bad luck 他把失敗歸咎于運氣不好。

I ascribe his conduct to insanity 我認為他的行為是顛狂所致。

He ascribes his success to good luck 他把他的成功歸功于幸運。

Never ascribe to an opponent motive mean than your own 切勿把比自己的更下流的動機說成是對手的。