
ascribable adj.可歸于…的,起因于…的。 His failure...


According to economist north , the evolvement is ascribable to the existence of uncertainty such as the transition from unofficial pension system to official pension system 而歷史上從非正式的養老金制度到正式的養老金制度的變遷正是由不確定性的增加引起的。

His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution 他的迅速康復是由于他的健全的體質。

Therefore, any changes in the cell are ascribable to the working electrode . 因此,電池中的任何變化,都歸因于工作電極。

That part of loss directly ascribable to kinetics may decrease . 直接由化學動力過程引起的那部分損失可以減小。

His failure is ascribable to innocence . 他的失敗可歸咎于無知。