
ascot n.1.英國愛斯科賽馬場;愛斯科賽馬會。2.〔a-〕愛斯...

“ best award for his spouse flowering tree “ : jiang wen li repeated exposure in the media , and her husband , who own the beginning of the scandal , continues in various television channels pushing sales of hardcover ascot infant formula , humiliation , mental commendable , idiopathic award , as a gesture of encouragement 在媒體一再曝光自己老公和張靜初的緋聞后,依然每天在各個電視頻道大力促銷雅士力精裝嬰幼兒奶粉,忍辱負重,精神可嘉,特發此獎,以示鼓勵。


It can also output records with particular format . the software can calculate automatically all the injury scores including gcs , rts , iss , gos , ps _ triss and ps _ ascot by inputing only the basic information about patients into the computer . and all these injury scores will be updated together with the basic information to the injury database 只需輸入病人的基本病歷資料,由軟件自動計算出gcs 、 rts 、 iss 、 gos 、 ps _ triss 、 ps _ ascot等創傷評分,這些創傷評分資料將自動與病人基本病歷資料一同更新到數據庫中;可接收下級報盤數據的成批導入。

Cancelled nr808 manlai court - central nr809 pristine villa - tai wai kcr station nr810 parc royale - kowloon tong mtr station circular nr811 kwong yuen estate - causeway bay sai wan ho nr812 pictorial garden phase 3 - lucky plaza nr813 pictorial garden phase 3 - kowloon tong mtr station circular nr814 chevalier garden - university kcr station nr815 royal ascot - new town plaza circular nr816 kwong yuen estate - mei lam estate nr817 lakeview garden - tai wai kcr station nr818 golden time villas - tai wai kcr station nr819 granville garden - tai wai kcr station nr820 shatin heights - tai wai kcr station nr821 kwong yuen estate - ma on shan nr822 villa paradiso - university kcr station nr823 villa paradiso - diamond hill mtr station nr824 vista paradiso - bayshore towers nr825 lee on - tuen mun ho tin street nr826 villa athena - pai tau street nr827 kam ying court - cheung sha wan nr828 chung on - fo tan refer to gmb 801 nr829 castello - new town plaza phase 1 nr830 jubilee garden - wong tai sin cancelled nr831 monte vista - university kcr station nr832 baycrest - university kcr station nr833 julimount garden - tai wai kcr station nr91 fairview park - wan chai nr92 fairview park - tsuen wan nr93 fairview park - yuen long nr94 fairview park - sheung shui kcr station nr95 long ping estate - sheung shui kcr station nr96 long ping estate - hung hom kcr station nr97 long ping estate - wan chai nr98 long ping estate - hung hom kcr station nr99 long ping estate - kwun tong hung to road nr901 locwood court , kingswood villas - tsuen wan mtr station nr902 locwood court , kingswood villas - sheung shui kcr station nr903 kingswood villas - wan chai nr904 kingswood villas - china hong kong city nr905 maywood court , kingswood villas - tsuen wan mtr station nr906 maywood court , kingswood villas - tsui ping road kwun tong nr907 maywood court , kingswood villas - sheung shui kcr station nr908 tin shing court - causeway bay nr909 tin yiu estate - kwun tong nr913 palm springs - sheung shui kcr station nr914 palm springs - fung yau street north nr915 palm springs - wan chai nr917 fan kam road kam tin road - central wan chai nr918 lam kam road kam sheung road - central wan chai nr919 sai ching street yuen long - wan chai nr920 fung yau street north yuen long - granville square nr921 kingswood villas - tsuen wan mtr station nr922 fung kwan street yuen long - central wan chai nr923 royal palms , wo shang wai - sheung shui kcr station nr924 royal palms , wo shang wai - fung yau street north yuen long nr925 maywood court , kingswood villas - wan chai nr926 long ping estate - central quarry bay nr927 long ping estate - sha tin nr928 fung kwan street yuen long - kwun tong nr929 castle peak road - sha tin nr930 tin shui estate - sha tin nr931 tin shui estate - tsim sha tsui nr932 tin shui estate - cheung sha wan nr933 kin shing building , yuen long - sha tin nr934 tin yau court - kowloon city nr935 hung shui kiu - wan chai nr936 fairview park - hung hom kcr station nr939 kam tin - tuen mun nr940 san wai ha tsuen - sau fu street nr941 ha pak nai - on shun street refer to gmb 31 nr942 kam tin - tuen mun ferry pier nr943 beauty court bauhinia garden - wan chai nr944 beauty court bauhinia garden - tsim sha tsui nr945 yuen long yick fat tai hang mansions - north point nr946 the eldorado - tsim sha tsui nr947 palm springs - tsing yi mtr station nr948 fairview park - tsing yi mtr station nr949 parkside villa - on shun street nr950 park royale - on shun street circular nr951 scenic garden - on shun street (已取消) nr831翠擁華庭- -大學火車站nr832觀瀾雅軒- -大學火車站nr833瑞峰花園- -大圍火車站nr91錦繡花園- -灣仔nr92錦繡花園- -荃灣nr93錦繡花園- -元朗nr94錦繡花園- -上水火車站nr95朗屏村- -上水火車站nr96朗屏村- -紅?車站nr97朗屏村- -灣仔nr98朗屏村- -紅?車站nr99朗屏村- -觀塘(鴻圖道) nr901嘉湖山莊樂湖居- -荃灣地鐵站nr902嘉湖山莊樂湖居- -上水火車站nr903嘉湖山莊- -灣仔nr904嘉湖山莊- -中港城nr905嘉湖山莊美湖居- -荃灣地鐵站nr906嘉湖山莊美湖居- -觀塘翠屏道nr907嘉湖山莊美湖居- -上水火車站nr908天盛苑- -銅鑼灣nr909天耀村- -觀塘nr913加州花園- -上水火車站nr914加州花園- -元朗(鳳攸街北) nr915加州花園- -灣仔nr917粉錦公路/錦田公路- -中環/灣仔nr918林錦公路/錦上路- -中環/灣仔nr919元朗(西菁街) - -灣仔nr920元朗(鳳攸街北) - -尖沙嘴(加連威老廣場) nr921嘉湖山莊- -荃灣地鐵站nr922元朗(鳳群街) - -中環/灣仔nr923加州豪園- -上水火車站nr924加州豪園- -元朗(鳳攸街北) nr925嘉湖山莊美湖居- -灣仔nr926朗屏村- -中環/鯽魚涌nr927朗屏村- -沙田nr928元朗(鳳群街) - -觀塘nr929青山公路- -沙田nr930天瑞村- -沙田nr931天瑞村- -尖沙嘴nr932天瑞村- -長沙灣nr933元朗(元發徑建成大廈) - -沙田nr934天佑苑- -九龍城nr935洪水橋- -灣仔nr936錦繡花園- -紅?車站nr939錦田- -屯門nr940廈村(新圍) - -元朗(壽富街) nr941下白泥- -元朗(安信街) [請參照專線小巴33 ] nr942錦田- -屯門碼頭nr943洪水橋(雅苑/紫翠花園) - -灣仔nr944洪水橋(雅苑/紫翠花園) - -尖沙嘴nr945元朗(益發/大興大廈) - -北角nr946金碧花園- -尖沙嘴nr947加州花園- -青衣地鐵站nr948錦繡花園- -青衣地鐵站nr949柏麗豪園- -安信街nr950御豪山莊- -安信街(循環線) nr951御景園- -安信街

( 5 ) statistically analyze data : except provide basic analysis , it can also calculate the maximum , minimum , average and root - mean - square value of age , pre - hospital , bp , gcs , rts , iss , gos , ps _ triss , ps _ ascot . the results can be output or printed out by the forms of graph or report ( 5 )數據的統計分析:本系統提供基本的數據統計分析功能,可進行包括年齡、院前時間、血壓、 gcs 、 rts 、 iss 、 gos 、 ps _ triss 、 ps _ ascot等資料的最大值、最小值、平均值、標準差等大量統計工作;統計結果可用圖形或報表形式導出或打印。

But his jokes are great : down - at - heel blackpool preserving its saucy postcards and its half - dozen varieties of chips for the immigrant families who now live there ; toffs enjoying themselves at the ascot races ; the continuing delight of a deckchair by the sea 但他開起玩笑來也很有一套:在破舊骯臟的黑澤市,至今仍保存有漂亮的明信片和現在居住在那里的移民使用的各種錢幣;在愛斯科特賽馬會上,有錢人在那里逍遙快活;放在海邊的沙灘椅,仍在給人帶去無限快樂。

“ best award for his spouse flowering tree “ : jiang wen li repeated exposure in the media , and her husband , who own the beginning of the scandal , continues in various television channels pushing sales of hardcover ascot infant formula , humiliation , mental commendable , idiopathic award , as a gesture of encouragement 在媒體一再曝光自己老公和張靜初的緋聞后,依然每天在各個電視頻道大力促銷雅士力精裝嬰幼兒奶粉,忍辱負重,精神可嘉,特發此獎,以示鼓勵。

The system has been successfully applied in over 20 properties managed by kai shing , including villa by the park , dynasty court , royal ascot , east point city , millennium city and new town plaza . expansion to around 100 properties is planned by july 2001 Super emanagement電子方案現已成功應用于逾20個由啟勝管理的物業,包括朗庭園帝景園駿景園東港城創紀之城以及新城市廣場等,并計劃于兩個月內擴展到100個物業。

Another example was mr leung who bought a flat in shatin city one over 20 years ago and later upgraded to royal ascot in the same district . when his two sons got married he suggested that the elder one buy a flat in royal ascot and the younger one buy one in castello 此外,梁先生20多年前購入沙田第一城,其后升級到同區駿景園,兩位兒子結婚,梁先生介紹大兒子買入駿景園另一單位,又介紹次子買帝堡城。

The neighbouring area is composed of large private residential estates , luxury low - rise residences , the sha tin racecourse , penfold park , educational institutes and the fo tan industrialoffice area . plaza ascot provides an ideal retail setting for leisure and after - work relaxation 毗鄰各大型屋苑及高尚住宅區、沙田馬場、彭福公園、火炭工業中心及寫字樓、學校及學院,為工馀及假日消遣理想好去處。

While the other was reading it on page two boom to give him for the nonce his new misnomer whiled away a few odd leisure moments in fits and starts with the account of the third event at ascot on page three , his sidevalue 1 , 000 sovs . , with 3 , 000 sovs 當對方讀著第二版時,布姆姑且就用他這個排錯了的新姓氏吧為了解悶,時而隔三跳四地讀上一段第三版所載阿斯科特賽馬會上第三場比賽的消息。

Journalist : yoko , john lennon / plastic ono band was recorded at emi studios . imagine was recorded at your tittenhurst park home studio in ascot . how did recording at home affect imagine 洋子,約翰?列農的《順從洋子樂隊》是在emi錄音室錄制的。 《想象》則是在亞斯科的騰哈思公園你家里錄的。在家錄音對《想象》專輯有什么樣的影響?

Ft . and a public carpark for the convenience of shoppers , plaza ascot is a first - class shopping mall in fo tan and the largest of its kind in the area 駿景廣場總樓面面積超過100 , 000平方尺,設有時租停車場方便購物人士,規模為火炭區中罕有。

In high spirits , a well - dressed crowd at ascot racecourse near london celebrates a day of horse races with singing and patriotic flag - waving 在倫敦附近的阿斯科特賽馬場,興高采烈打扮入時的人們正高唱歌曲,揮舞著國旗觀看賽馬。

Henley is seen as one of the highlights of the rowing calendar while royal ascot is regarded as the worlds most famous race meeting 亨利皇家賽舟會被認為是最精彩的劃船賽事之一,而皇家愛斯科賽馬則是世界上最著名的賽馬盛會。

During the 1700s , pople who attended the races wore a wide , loosely tied scarf , which started a new fashion trend known as the ascot 18世紀,參賽者都系著一條寬松的領巾,這開創了一種新的流行趨勢,即廣為人知的領巾式領帶。

Plaza ascot is located within the luxury residential development of royal ascot , just a few minutes walk from fo tan station 駿景廣場座落沙田區豪宅駿景園內,由九廣鐵路火炭車站徒步數分鐘即可到達。

The majority of them live in low - density areas in the better parts of the nt surrounding the tolo harbour such as ascot heights 他們主要在低密度區域居住,例如新界圍繞吐露港一段、駿景園等。

Royal ascot owner mr leung s trust in shkp led him to tell his two sons to also buy their flats from the developer 駿景園業主梁生,向兩位兒子推介買新地樓,新地物業高質素口碑,父子相傳。

The case occurred at about 2 pm when a domestic helper found the boy collapsed at home at royal ascot in shatin 下午約二時,一名家務助理發現該男嬰于沙田駿景園家中昏倒。