
ascospore n.【植物;植物學】子囊孢子。


The vertical and horizontal slides of stramata of cordyceps sinensis ( berk ) sacc were observed and photographed on optical microscope . the shape of perithecia and ascospore of cordyceps sinensis ( berk ) sacc in qinghai province , the number of ascus contained in each perithecia , the number , length , width , the horizontal partition number and the distance among the partitions of ascospore in each ascus were measured and described 把冬蟲夏草子座制成縱、橫切片,用光學顯微鏡觀察并拍照,對青海冬蟲夏草子囊殼及子囊孢子的形態、每一子囊殼中所含子囊、每一子囊所含子囊孢子的數目、長度、寬度、橫隔隔數和隔距進行了測量與描述。

The main characters ( the numbers of spores per ascus and the characters of ascospore wall ) at the species level whithin pertusaria is revealed by the light microscope . there are twenty - one secondary natural products examined by color reaction test and thin - layer chromatography in the text 通過用光鏡對中國雞皮衣屬和果疣衣屬地衣的孢子研究,結果表明:孢子特征尤其是每子囊內孢子數目、孢子排列方式及孢子壁的特征是種水平上的重要分類依據。

Results : there exiss some differences among several common monascus fungi in supermicro - morphologic characters including hypha , conidium , cleistothecium , ascospores and so on , which serve as deposing the evidences to classify and identify monascus fungi 結果:不同種紅? ?之間在菌絲、分生孢子、閉囊殼和子囊孢子等超顯微特徵方面存在一定的差異,據此可對紅? ?進行區分和鑒別。

The shapes of ascospore for 101 # bred hybrid new specie is between the shapes of its parents by breeding the inoculated hypha from flammulina velutipes and qude mansiella radicata 通過金針菇與茶菇的菌絲融合培養,培育的雜交新品種101 #在形態及菌褶中孢子和囊體的形態上介于兩親本之間。

The ioslated strain was identified as chaetomiu m g lobosum based on the morphological features of ascomata , ascomal hairs a nd ascospores 根據子囊殼、頂生附屬絲、側生附屬絲和子囊孢子形態學特點本菌被定為球毛殼菌。

Ascospore one of ( usually ) eight haploid spores produced inside an ascus by members of the phylum ascomycota 子囊孢子:在子囊菌中,子囊內進行減數分裂產生的孢子,通常是8個。

Ascospore analysis suggested that the fungus is homothallic but will preferentially outcross . 從分析子囊孢子的結果看出,此菌能同親配合,但很易異型雜交。