
ascorbic adj.治[防]壞血癥的。

“ if you want more out of your green tea , add some citrus juices to your cup after brewing or pick a ready - to - drink product formulated with ascorbic acid , “ he suggested 他建議, “如果你想從綠茶獲得更多好處, ,在泡好的茶中加上一些柑橘類果汁,或挑選一種加抗壞血酸的即飲產品“ 。

Vitamin c also known as ascorbic acid , and it is a good antioxidant . it is water - soluble , therefore not store in our body system , and for best effect daily in take is recommended 維他命c屬水溶性維生素,因為呈酸性可預防壞血病,所以,又稱為“抗壞血酸“ ascorbic acid 。

ascorbic acid

Polysaccharides are main energy sources of human body and possess some important physiological functions . in this paper , polysaccharides were used as the soft templates in synthesizing selenium nanoparticles which were produced with the reduction of selenious acid by ascorbic acid . the effect factors of synthetic reaction were studied and selenium nanoparticles obtained were characterized 本文以幾種生物多糖為軟模板,采用抗壞血酸還原亞硒酸的方法合成納米硒,研究了制備反應的影響因素,得到了多種形貌的納米硒,并采用光譜法、透射電鏡、掃描電鏡、 x射線衍射等方法對產物進行了表征。

Using the electric current cation and anoin exchange action , like l - ascorbic acid directly sends in the cell , the activation cell , the desalination pigment , the promotion collagen and the tension textile fiber regeneration increase skin organizes to guarantee the water ability , lets the skin tightly send smoothly has the elasticity , achieves the crystal clear beautiful skin effect 利用電流正負離子的交換作用,如左旋c直接送入細胞中,活化細胞、淡化色素、促進膠原蛋白及彈力纖維的再生增加皮膚組織的保水能力,讓皮膚緊致光滑有彈性,達到晶瑩剔透的美膚效果。

This strategy involved a concomitant induction of adipogenic differentiation whilst ascorbic acid supplementation stimulated the stromal cells to produce and organize their own “ biomaterial ” in the form of extracellular matrix , forming manipulatable sheets that are then assembled into thicker reconstructed adipose tissues 這種策略涉及成脂誘導去刺激間質細胞以細胞外基質的形式產生并組裝他們自己的生物材料,形成可組裝更厚脂肪組織的膜。

The sensor could eliminate the interference of electroactive ascorbic acid , and exhibited high operational and storage stability ( no apparently difference in response of the biosensor was observed after been used continuously for 150 times and stored for 5 months ) 傳感器能有效消除電活性物質(抗壞血酸)對測量帶來的干擾,同時具有較高的操作和貯存穩定性(連續使用150次、冷藏5個月后,響應無明顯下降) 。

In the presence of major interference from ascorbic acid or dopamine , the peak potential of uric acid shifts less than 15 mv and the peak current changes slightly obtained square wave voltammetric ( swv ) response at the modified bdd electrode 研究發現在方波伏安信號中常見干擾物抗壞血酸或多巴胺與尿酸共存檢測時尿酸在修飾電極上的特征峰電位變化不超過15mv ,峰電流變化僅為幾微安培。

Retinoic acid ( retin a ) , hypericum perforatum ( wheat germ ) extract , hydrolyzed soy ( soja ) protein , vitis vinifera ( grapeseed ) extract , tocopheryl acetate ( vitamin e ) , kojic acid , ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) , butylated hydroxytoluene 成分相當不錯,維生素a , e , c都全了,還有曲酸加強美白效果。再加上大豆水解蛋白、甜菜、葡萄籽油加強抗氧化。成份簡單有效,看成分蠻清爽。

He found that citrus juice increased recoverable ( absorbable ) catechin levels by more than five times , while vitamin c ( ascorbic acid ) boosted recoverable levels of the two most abundant catechins by six and 13 times 他發現,柑橘汁將可恢復(可吸收的)兒茶素水平提高了5倍還多,同時維生素c (抗壞血酸)將其中兩種含量最多的兒茶素中的可恢復水平提高了6倍和13倍。

Retinoic acid ( retin a ) , hypericum perforatum ( wheat germ ) extract , hydrolyzed soy ( soja ) protein , vitis vinifera ( grapeseed ) extract , tocopheryl acetate ( vitamin e ) , kojic acid , ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) , butylated hydroxytoluene 成分不錯,維生素a , e , c都全了,還有曲酸加強美白效果。再加上大豆水解蛋白、甜菜、葡萄籽油加強抗氧化。成份簡單有效,看成分蠻清爽。

The obtained electrode is prone to be reproducible . the dopamine sensor effectively avoided the serious interference from the ascorbic acid and made it possible to determine them at the same time in some condition . 2 此法制備多巴胺傳感器簡單易行,電極易于再生,且有效地避免了抗壞血酸等的干擾,并使其在一定條件下實現共同測定成為可能。

In conclusion : gsh ascorbic acid vitamin e has not the capacity to induce mscs to differentiate to neurons , this phenomenon suggest that not all antioxidant has the capacity to induce mscs to neurons 提高mscs向神經元樣細胞誘導的效率以及進一步得到功能上與體內正常神經元一致的神經元是近年研究的熱點。建立切實可行的定向誘導分化為神經元

A polyaniline / polyisoprene composite film with permselectivity was synthesized by electrochemical method for the first time , which can determine selectively h2o2 in the presence of electroactive interferent ascorbic acid 采用電化學方法首次制備了具有特殊滲透選擇性的聚苯胺/聚異戊二烯復合膜,它能在抗壞血酸存在下讓過氧化氫選擇透過。

A complex natural antioxidant ( cna ) comprised of liquorice ( glycyrrhizauralensis fisch ) extract ( ge ) , orange peel ( pericarpium citri reticulatae ) extract ( pe ) , phosphatidyl choline ( pc ) , ascorbic acid ( vc ) and citric acid ( ca ) was prepared 摘要研究了一種由甘草提取物、陳皮提取物、卵磷脂、抗壞血酸和檸檬酸組成的復合天然杭氧化劑。

The influence of graded levels of diet calcium ( ca ) and ascorbic acid ( aa ) on the retention of iron ( fe ) , copper ( cu ) , zinc ( zn ) , ca , phosphorus ( p ) and magnesium ( mg ) was studied in the guinea pig 摘要本實驗采用天竺鼠來研究飼料中鈣質與維生素丙對鐵、銅、鋅、鈣、磷和鎂在身體存留量之影。

While the oxidation has little effect on milk ' s nutritional value and is not related to bacteria , fluorescent light does inactivate riboflavin vitamin b2 and ascorbic acid vitamin c 超市中柜臺中的熒光燈會導致牛奶變味,雖然對牛奶營養價值影響不大,但仍然對其中的維他命b2和c有影響。

“ if you want more out of your green tea , add some citrus juices to your cup after brewing or pick a ready - to - drink product formulated with ascorbic acid , “ he suggested 他建議, “如果你想從綠茶獲得更多好處, ,在泡好的茶中加上一些柑橘類果汁,或挑選一種加抗壞血酸的即飲產品“ 。

Few trials have examined interactions among antioxidants , and , to our knowledge , no previous trial has examined the individual effect of ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) on cvd 很少有試驗檢測抗氧化劑間的相互作用,就我們認為,沒有前瞻性研究檢測在心血管疾病中維生素c的個體效應。

In this study , the scientists looked at the impact of both lipids ( fat ) and ascorbic acid ( vitamin c ) on nitrite chemistry in the proximal ( upper ) stomach 在這項研究中,科學家將脂質(脂肪)和抗壞血酸(維生素c )在胃近端(賁門胃底區)對亞硝酸鹽的化學作用都進行了觀察研究。