
ascomycetes n.pl. 【植物;植物學】子囊菌。


Abstract : the total quantity of perylene quinonoids in hypocrella bambusae ( b . et br . ) sacc . , shiraia bambusicola p . henn and culture substance of ascomycetes hypocreacae ( fr ) tul . sp . were determined with spectrophotometric methods . the relative extraction efficiency were studied when ethanol , acetone and chloroform were used as solvents . among them acetone was the best one 文摘:用分光光度法測定了竹紅菌、竹黃和菌寄生菌培養物中?醌類化合物的總量;同時研究了以無水乙醇、丙酮和氯仿為溶劑提取?醌類化合物的相對效率,結果發現以丙酮為溶劑最合適。

The hymenium may be directly exposed to the air , as in the gills of the mushroom ( a basidiomycete ) or may open into a flask - shaped cavity , as in the perithecia of certain ascomycetes 子實層可能直接暴露于空氣,像蘑菇(擔子菌)的菌褶,也可能似瓶狀開口,如某些子囊菌的子囊殼。

Hymenium ( pl . hymenia ) a layer of the fruiting body of certain ascomycete and basidiomycete fungi in which the asci or basidia are borne 子實層:真菌中的子囊菌類和擔子菌類的子實體上生長子囊或擔子的層狀結構。

Ascomycete car les spores sont enferm s dans des sacs ( asques ) et hypog e car souterraine 它之所以歸屬于此類是因為它生長在地下并且它的孢子(種子)藏在囊(小袋子)中的緣故。

Dans la classification des champignons , la truffe est class e dans la cat gorie des ascomycetes hypog s 在食用菌分類中,松露屬生長在地下的子囊菌類。

Usually the fungus is an ascomycete but occasionally it is a basidiomycete 組成地衣的菌類多為子囊菌,也有擔子菌類。