
ascocarp n.【植物;植物學】子囊果。adj.-ous


The results showed that the nearer the relationship of the species , the more similar the zymograms . the zymograms difference between species in different genes is more obvious than ones in the same one . in addition , there is a certain difference between the zymograms of different strains of the same species from different ascocarps and places 結果表明,親緣關系愈近的菌株其酶譜的相似性愈大,屬間差異明顯大于種間差異,同菌種的酶譜可因寄主、產地不同等而存一定差異。

Most grow best and form pycnidia earlier on ma , and pda is slightly not fitful for pycnidia growth of the kind of fungi . none of the species can produce ascocarps in 60 days . esterase isoenzymes of 12 strains of rhytismataceae were studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and clustering analysis of upgma and 12 strains were classified into 4 groups when correlation coefficient is 3 . 1 結果表明大多數種在ma平板上菌落營養生長最好,產生分生抱子器及分生抱子的時間較早、能力較強; oa也是可選擇的培養基之一:而p a較不適宜于該類菌物的營養生長和分生抱子器產生。

Most species occur only on a single host genus , but there were a few species , such as l . pinastri , which had a wide range of host and its ascocarps can appear on the needles of 16 kinds of haploxylon and diploxylon pines 多數種僅知在單寄主屬上發生,但也有部分種能在多寄主上產果,如松針散斑殼( l pinastri )可危害16種單、雙維管束松樹。

Ascoma ( ascocarp ) the fruiting body of most fungi of the phylum ascomycota , in which the asci are borne 子囊果:真菌中大部分子囊菌所具有的子實體,其上生有子囊。