
ascites n.【醫學】腹水(腫)。


There are probably several factors responsible for water and salt retention and ascites in hepatic disease 引起肝病患者水、鹽潴留和腹水的原因可能不止一個。

Comparison of value of serum - ascites albumin gradient with exudates and transudates in the diagnosis of ascites 血清腹水白蛋白梯度與門脈高壓性腹水的關系研究

There are probably several factors re o ible for water and salt retention and ascites in hepatic disease 引起肝病患者水、鹽潴留和腹水的原因可能不止一個。

For the treatment of oedema , ascites due to cirrhosis of liver and mild or moderate hypertension 治療水腫、肝硬化引起的腹水,以及輕度或中度的高血壓

Treatment of 80 cases of ascites due to cirrhosis with yushui powder and shengdanba ruangan decoction 愈水散佐以升蛋白軟肝湯治療肝硬化腹水80例

Treatment of pylic hepato - cirrhosis with complicated ascites by integrated tcm with western medicine 中西醫結合治療門脈性肝硬化合并腹水100例

Intraperitioneal injection of nitrocaphane combined with cisplatin for 29 cases with malignant ascites 順鉑腹腔內灌注治療癌性腹水29例療效觀察

Observation of therapeutic effect of liver disease no . 6 recipe in treating liver cirrhosis and ascites 肝病6號方治療肝硬化腹水療效分析

Research of cristata i on increasing immunity and suppressor tumor of s180 ascites cancer mice 180荷瘤鼠免疫功能及抑瘤作用的研究

Twenty - six cases of obstinate ascites due to cirrhosis treated by xiaogu chuzhang decoction 消臌除脹湯治療頑固性肝硬變腹水26例

Professor li dexin ' s experience in treating ascites due to liver cirrhosis through spleen 李德新從脾論治肝硬化腹水的經驗探討

Ascites puncture needle 腹水穿刺針

Microscopic observation of ehrlick ascites tumor cell mitosis and metaphase chromosome 艾氏腹水瘤細胞有絲分裂過程的顯微觀察

The milky white fluid shown here in the peritoneal cavity represents a chylous ascites 圖示:腹膜腔乳糜性腹水,呈乳白色。

Predictive survive of cirrhotic patients with ascites : study on multiple risk factors 肝硬化腹水患者預后的危險因素研究

About patient of ascites of cirrhosis of the liver total caloric is calculated 關于肝硬變腹水患者總熱量的計算。

Significance of no in distinguishing and diagnosing hydrothorax and ascites 一氧化氮測定在胸腹水鑒別診斷中的意義

The value of saag in diagnosis of non portal hypertension ascites 血清腹水白蛋白梯度診斷非門脈高壓性腹水價值

There may be ascites with unilateral or bilateral pleural effusion 病人可能同時有腹水伴單側或雙側胸水。