
ascidian n.【動物;動物學】海鞘類動物。


Considering of the specificity of the degenerative primer designed in this pcr reaction , the identity between the sequence we wanted and the fragment of pcr product and the presence of asmaspa , asmaspb , clr and cls ( the homologous gene of masp gene ) in halocynthia roretzi , a japanese ascidian , we believe that the sequence of pcr product is some part of the masp gene or masp homologous gene 基于本實驗中所設計的引物為特異性簡并引物,測序基因通過比較得到與預期片段有一定的同源性以及masp同源物asmaspa 、 asmaspb 、 clr和cls在海鞘中存在的事實,我們可以初步推測,本實驗pcr反應所克隆的片段可能為文昌魚masp或其同源基因的一部分序列。

According to the frequently used methods of extraction and isolation of natural products from organic body , the freeze - dried ascidian tunica was exhaustively extracted with 100 % chloroform then the combined extracts were filtered and the solvent was separately concentrated under vacuum to yield a dark - brown gum 按照目前比較常用的天然產物的提取分離辦法,將樣品冷凍干燥后,用100氯仿浸泡,收集氯仿濾液,減壓蒸餾濃縮去除浸提溶劑,得到黑褐色的浸膏狀物質。

During experiment , acetylcholine shows significant inhibitory effects on the settlement and metamorphosis of ascidian larvae , but its concentration cannot lower 1 x 10 - 7mol / l . similarly acetylcholine , y - aminobutyric ( gaba ) and picrotoxin also can inhibit the settlement and metamorphosis of s . canopus larvae 實驗中,乙酰膽堿對冠瘤海鞘的附著變態表現出抑制作用,但當濃度降低到10 ~ ( - 7 ) mol l時,此作用已不明顯。

We also found crude extracts of two sponges ( mycale sp . and renieera spi ) can inhibit the settlement and metamorphosis of ascidian larvae . the two extracts are all liposolube Spl ) ,它們的粗提物對冠瘤海鞘幼體的附著和變態有抑制作用,這兩種粗提物都是脂溶性的。

Furthermore , l - thyroxine do n ' t show any effects on the settlement and metamorphosis of ascidian larvae . 3 此外, l - thyroxine對冠瘤海鞘幼體的附著變態均未表現出顯著的促進或抑制作用。

H - 13 ( achromobacter ) . can facilitate the metamorphosis of ascidian larvae 無色桿菌屬的h - 13能誘導幼體變態。