
asceticism n.苦行,禁欲主義。

Around 500 bc asceticism became widespread , and increasing numbers of intelligent young men “ gave up the world “ to search for release from transmigration by achieving a state of psychic security 大約公元前500左右,苦行變得流行起來,越來越多有才智的年輕人“放棄了世界” ,通過達到某種精神的安全來尋求從輪回中得到解脫。

After practicing asceticism in the mountains for some time , mahakasyapa heard a voice in the sky , “ now a buddha has descended to the world to teach people . you must go look for him and follow him . 摩訶迦葉在山里面修苦行一段時間后,在虛空中聽到一個聲音說:現在,佛已經下凡,出來教人,你應該去找佛受教。

“ yes , but but not too fond , “ said pansy with a trace of asceticism “是的,但…不是太喜歡, ”帕茜說,露出一絲禁欲主義的情緒。

“yes, butbut not too fond,“ said pansy with a trace of asceticism . “是的,但…不是太喜歡,”帕茜說,露出一絲禁欲主義的情緒。


The air was thin , the temperature and the air pressure were low , and it was very difficult to cook rice or vegetables . it was much simpler to eat raw vegetables ; all i had to do was to wash them in the water of the ganges , sprinkle a little salt on them , and then eat them . i did not deliberately want to practice asceticism 例如,你們聽說師父在喜馬拉雅山修行時,每天只是吃一些生菜,因為那里地勢很高,空氣稀薄溫度低氣壓也低,不管是煮飯煮菜都很難熟,吃生菜比較簡單,只要用恒河的水洗一洗,沾一點鹽巴就可以吃了,并不是師父故意要修苦行。

Although he had been born into a wealthy family , he practiced asceticism and cared little about his outer appearance . he came in tattered clothes , looking thin , awful and undignified , most probably because of his ascetic practice and lack of sleep and food . he did not deliberately make himself appear so 他雖然是從很富有的家庭出生,但是因為他修苦行不在乎外表,這天他來時,衣服很破爛身體很瘦,看起來不好看不莊嚴,很可能因為修苦行,睡覺和吃飯不多,而不是故意的。

Whatever the meritorious rewords indicated in the vedic scriptures by ritualistic sacrifices , rigorous asceticism or by philanthropic charity ; one perfected in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness transcends them all and achieves the supreme , primordial abode 無論是在祭祀儀式上反復念誦《呋陀》經上的指定經文,還是奉行嚴酷的苦修,或是博愛的布施,融合統一個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)而趨于圓滿的修煉,超越了上述的一切而達到了至尊的最根本的境界。

The main body of the taoist taboo is ethic ideology involving man and man , man and nature , man and god , with its features mainly including holiness , self - conjecture , level of structure , endeavor in the momentary part of heart , strong asceticism , and merging of three religions 摘要道教戒律的主體是倫理道德思想,涉及人與人、人與自然、人與神,其特色主要有神圣性、自度性、層次性以及在心的一念處下功夫、禁欲主義色彩濃厚、三教融通等。

These disciples were usually by the buddha s side , their ample supply of food and clothes ensuring that they looked good and healthy , while the penniless mahakasyapa practiced asceticism in seclusion in the mountains . thus , the monks and nuns looked down upon him 因為他們跟釋迦牟尼佛接近,當然有很好的供養,衣服很整很好看很漂亮,而摩訶迦葉孤孤單單在山上修苦行沒錢,所以比丘比丘尼跟徒弟看不起他。

You are a person , who , with the universal soul in her little body , is able to condense the purity of asceticism , the ideal model of honesty of spirit , the self - sacrifice of a homo sapiens who has entrusted her life to god 您的慈善之行有如春雨,溫暖了每一位有幸與您相會的亞美尼亞人。在您的人身中擁有至高的靈魂身軀雖小,靈魂卻包含整個宇宙,是純潔無瑕誠實自我犧牲奉獻上帝的完美典范。

Many great spiritual practitioners come from a very humble background or a very poor and miserable environment . a small number of people receive some experience through sincere practice of asceticism . however , their attainments do not come from such practice 有不少大修行的人是從很謙卑的背景出來,或從很窮或是很痛苦的情況出來,也有很少數的人因為誠心修苦行,也有得到一些體驗。

One perfecting the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness is considered superior to the performers of asceticism and is superior to the followers of impersonal knowledge 修煉個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)的融合統一而實現了圓滿的行者,要比修習苦行的行者高級,也比研習經驗(非個人的)知識的行者高級,還比從事利益行為的行者高級。

She was just an ordinary old lady , yet she could pass away with a smile while seated , just as did old master kuangchin the most respected buddhist monk in formosa , who practiced asceticism for over 70 years and died while seated 突然間,她喘了一口氣,然后就往生了。這種往生的方式,實在太神奇了!一個平凡的老人,竟然也可以像廣欽老和尚一樣,坐著微笑圓寂,真是不可思議!

To do more does not mean that we forsake our work , forget our families , and don t eat and sleep and all kinds of asceticism . no , we carry on with our life ! we just save a little time to communicate with the divine 要做更多,并不表示我們要放下工作丟棄家庭不吃不睡禁欲等等,我們不需要這樣做,我們繼續生活,只要省下一點時間來和上帝溝通。

Although it is said that she attained ultimate enlightenment deep in the himalayas , she asserts that it is not necessary to practice asceticism in the mountains after receiving initiation , because enlightenment can be attained by practicing at home 據說她在喜馬拉雅山的深處,完全證悟,可是她又說印心者不必入山苦行,在家也可以修行證悟。

Around 500 bc asceticism became widespread , and increasing numbers of intelligent young men “ gave up the world “ to search for release from transmigration by achieving a state of psychic security 大約公元前500左右,苦行變得流行起來,越來越多有才智的年輕人“放棄了世界” ,通過達到某種精神的安全來尋求從輪回中得到解脫。

After practicing asceticism in the mountains for some time , mahakasyapa heard a voice in the sky , “ now a buddha has descended to the world to teach people . you must go look for him and follow him . 摩訶迦葉在山里面修苦行一段時間后,在虛空中聽到一個聲音說:現在,佛已經下凡,出來教人,你應該去找佛受教。

Her amazingly beautiful appearance not only was a great blessing for thailand but also served to break the traditional thai concept that spiritual practitioners must practice asceticism 師父美麗與驚奇的顯現,不但帶給泰國很大的福報,更打破了泰國傳統修行人苦行的觀念。

Moreover , it showed the enormous influence of syrian asceticism , but it was equally rooted in popular gnosticism and preserved its essential doctrines 此外,這也表明諾斯替受到敘利亞人禁欲主義的龐大影響,但這是與流行的諾斯替主義有同等的根源,保留了它本質上的教義。