
ascetic n.禁欲主義者,苦行者。adj.苦行的,禁欲主義的。ad...

An important development of saivism in north india was brought about by gorakhnath ( goraksanatha ) , who in the 13th century became leader of a sect of saivite ascetics known as natha ( “ lord “ ) from the title of their chief teachers 北印度濕婆派的一次重要發展是由戈拉克納特而來,他本人也成為13世紀的一個濕婆苦行派別的導師,從他們的首要導師那里獲得納他( “主” )的頭衍。

There , he came across the “ four sights “ : an old crippled man , a diseased man , a decaying corpse , and finally an ascetic 這里,他經歷“四個境象” :一個年老的殘疾人;一個患病的人;一具腐朽的尸體,最后是一個苦行修道者。


Then , several years ago , during my desperate search for peace of mind , i came to the conclusion that i should become a vegetarian and live a more ascetic life , paying less attention to material things and focusing instead on mysticism and spirituality . i would thus have to change my lifestyle completely 幾年前,就在我非常迫切想找到內心的平靜時,得到一個結論:我應該吃素,過著苦行的生活,減少物質的欲望,將注意力集中在靈修上這意味著我必須徹底改變自己的生活。

Such a conception implies the interpretation of energy as existence - action should rather become existence - event , consisting not only of present events , but also of transcendental events the objective of ascetic spiritual practices and of virtual events which make up virtual reality 同時,雙邊合作更廣泛地向高科技、能源、資源開發、核能、金融、運輸、航空航天、環保、信息技術等領域的經濟技術合作發展,中俄經貿合作呈現多元化格局。

There was something ascetic in her look , was augmented by the extreme plainness of a straight - skirted , black , stuff dress , a starched linen collar , hair combed away from the temples , and the nun - like ornament of a string of ebony beads and a crucifix 極度樸實的穿著和打扮,增強了這種色彩。她穿著黑色緊身呢裙,配著上過漿的亞麻領子,頭發從兩鬢往后梳,戴著修女似的飾物,一串烏木念珠和一個十字架。

That path which the learned knowers of vedic scriptures declare imperishable into which the great renounced ascetics devoid of sensual desires enters and that which striving to reach the vow of celibacy is maintained ; i shall explain unto you in summation 飽學《呋陀》經典的有識之士,他們都是擯棄了感官欲望的出家的苦行修者,在努力堅守獨身誓言,我會向你總結他們所追循的這條不朽的覺悟之路。

An important development of saivism in north india was brought about by gorakhnath ( goraksanatha ) , who in the 13th century became leader of a sect of saivite ascetics known as natha ( “ lord “ ) from the title of their chief teachers 北印度濕婆派的一次重要發展是由戈拉克納特而來,他本人也成為13世紀的一個濕婆苦行派別的導師,從他們的首要導師那里獲得納他( “主” )的頭衍。

The sect of pasupata ascetics , founded by lakulisa ( or nahulisa ) , who lived in the 2nd century ad , is attested by inscriptions from the 5th century and is among the earliest of the sectarian religious orders of hinduism 帕蘇帕塔教派的禁欲者,由生活在公元二世紀的拉古利沙(或稱為納胡利沙)建立,發現在公元五世紀的題字上,也在印度教最早期的宗教團體中出現。

His photographs were published broadcast , and special writers exploited his strong , bronzed face , his scars , his heavy shoulders , his clear , quiet eyes , and the slight hollows in his cheeks like an ascetic s 他的照片廣泛發表,于是有了專門的作家拿他那曬黑了的結實的面龐上面的傷疤健壯的肩頭沉靜清澈的眼光苦行僧式的凹陷的面頰大做文章。

Most of the spiritual masters that i know about like moses , jesus , buddha , and all the other buddhist masters and the hindu gurus , and so on , all seemed to have adopted an ascetic way of life . m 艾文:大部分我所知道的明師,例如摩西耶穌基督佛陀,以及其他許多的佛教和印度明師等等,好像都是過著修苦行的生活。

In 2001 , his first christmas in office mr bush sent 875 , 000 cards . that was more than double the 400 , 000 mailed by the clintons , who themselves presided over a white house that was not exactly ascetic 2001年,布什上任后的第一個圣誕節,他送出了87 . 5萬張賀卡,是前任總統克林頓全家寄出的40萬張卡片的一倍還多。

It is the pain they suffer in the process of their ascetic practice that awakens them to the pains of life , touches their hearts , and increases their compassion and mercy 不是因為修苦行才得到,而是因為在這個苦行的當中,會因為自己苦而了解一些人生的痛苦,然后自己心會變改,變成多博愛和多慈悲。

We had heard that when master kuang - chin an abbot of a temple in formosa who was famous for ascetic practices meditated in the open at night , the dew never touched him or the area around him 不過我們深知并非是自己修行好的緣故,像廣欽和尚一樣,在露天打坐,夜晚的露水不會沾到他的身上和四周。

The purohitas , or family priests who performed the domestic rituals and personal sacraments for the lay people , continued to function , as did the thousands of ascetics 祭官,或者是為俗人履行家庭儀式和個人圣禮的祭司家族,就像千年前的禁欲者一樣,繼續起著作用。

Ascetic practice is no easy matter ! in our daily lives , we must train our minds to abstain from calculations and from discrimination . that is the essence of ascetic practice 3苦行不是簡單的!修苦行是修心,一切都不計較,日常生活中不起分別心,就是修苦行。

Among the followers of ramakrishna was narendranath datta , who became an ascetic after his master ' s death and assumed the religious name vivekananda 羅摩克里希那的隨追者之中包括納蘭德拉納特,他在師父死后成為了一名苦行僧,取了法名維韋卡南達(辯喜) 。

Ascetic practice cannot make one an enlightened saint ; it will only turn you into a bitter person . our life is bitter enough , so why should we want to practice asceticism 修苦行不能成佛,修苦行變成苦人,我們的生活已經夠苦了,怎么還要修什么苦行?

However , don ' t spend too much time making a choice between co - habitation and an ascetic life . one today is worth two tomorrows . happy life with you 但,請不要浪費太多的時間在同居與苦行僧生活間的抉擇上。畢竟,一個今天勝似兩個明天。祝生活愉快!

Hester sought not to acquire anything beyond a subsistence , of the plainest and most ascetic description , for herself , and a simple abundance for her child 海絲特除去維持生計之外一無所求她自己過著極其艱苦樸素的生活,對孩子的衣食則稍有寬容。