
ascertain vt.1.確定,查明,弄清。2.〔罕用語〕確定,把…弄實...

They love to say shit like “ ascertain “ 他們還很愛說“ ascertain “這字

The court must therefore ascertain the “proper law“ of the contract . 因此,法院務必查明該契約的“準據法”。


My purpose is to ascertain whether you are interested or not 我的目的是要弄清你是否感興趣。

On ascertaining the responsibilities of quot; extended custody quot 超期羈押責任追究問題研究

How to ascertain whether you are liable to tax 如何確定你是否須課稅

Action to ascertain the fact of the infringement 查明侵權事實的訴訟

Which produced the relevant profits and ascertain ,并確定這些作業在

They love to say shit like “ ascertain “ 他們還很愛說“ ascertain “這字

2 to ascertain youth s perception on the latest media types 2認識青少年對新興媒介的看法

It is difficult to ascertain what really happened 很難查明事實真象。

She wanted to ascertain that her son was among the wounded 她想要弄清兒子是受傷者之一。

We will ascertain our supply position and then reply 我們將查清供貨情況,然后再答復。

I ' ll ascertain the main reason as soon as possible 我會盡快查明主要的原因

I have investigated and ascertained who is this people 我已經查清了這人是誰

He will endeavor to ascertain the result of the test 他要設法找出測驗的結果。

Throughout the classical period they believed that man does not create the mathematical facts; they preexist. he is limited to ascertaining and recording them . 在整個古典時期,他們相信數學事實不是人創造的,而是先于人而存在的,人只要肯定這些事實并記錄下來就行了。

I was conscious of my ignorance, and if mrs. strickland was a well-known writer i thought it as well to ascertain the fact before i spoke to her . 我知道自己孤陋寡聞,如果思特里克蘭德太太是是一位名作家,我在同她談話以前最好還是把情況說清楚為好。

These calculations can be compared with the chemical analyses of meteorites in an attempt to ascertain the conditions in the nebula at the time of their formations . 這些計算可與隕星的化學分析相比較,從而推斷在它們形成時星云中的條件。

No sooner was this expedient adopted, than the young man ascertained how desperate had been his own efforts, by the violence of the pulsations in his frame . 年輕獵人采取了這個策略以后,感到身體顫動得很利害,他這才發覺自己多么疲乏。