
ascent n.1.(地位等的)上升,晉升。2.登高,攀登。3.追溯...

After taxi out , begin ascent by gradually increasing power / collective 執行完“水平滑行“后,逐漸地增加油門/螺距,使機體開始上升。

“ allegro ! “ he called out to the postilions at every ascent 譯注當他下坡的時候,他就喊“ ! ”


Cyclists to the right , walkers to the left to start the long ascent up to o cebreiro 以圣母故事為內容的多層宗教藝術浮雕修會會議廳

This will trigger in return the mass ascent of humanity , which at this time is failing 作為報答這將觸動現在所不能的人類大量提升。

After taxi out , begin ascent by gradually increasing power / collective 執行完“水平滑行“后,逐漸地增加油門/螺距,使機體開始上升。

A song of ascents . blessed are all who fear the lord , who walk in his ways 上行之詩。凡敬畏耶和華、遵行他道的人、便為有福。

Fail to leave those that are harmful and one ' s ascent will cease leading to death 未能離開有害的人,則提升將停止并導致死亡。

To avoid this , it is important to control your speed during the ascent 要避免這種情形,在上升過程中控制你的速度是很重要的。

First - ascent giant branch 初升巨星支

Such an ascent is enough to evoke concerns ? both paranoid and justified 公司地位的這般躍升足以引發人們偏執而又合理的憂慮。

Gaps in the biology will lead to disease over time in the continued ascent 在持續提升中,生物體的裂口將隨時間導致疾病。

The ascent to 3000 allows for the movement beyond electrical thought - form 提升到3000股將允許超越電性思想形態的運動。

One can have periodic aura pictures taken to allow one to gage one ' s ascent 你可以定期拍輝光照片以估量自身的提升。

Shows how to obtain font metrics such as cell ascent and descent 演示如何獲取字體規格,如單元格的升高值與降低值。

In so doing , one can contribute greatly to the ascent of one ' s species 而這么做,你也可對你種族的提升貢獻甚大。

Propelled rocket ascent mine 動力式火箭助生水雷

Knowledge is as wings to man ' s life , and a ladder for his ascent 知識猶如人類生活的翅膀,助其攀登的云梯。

Greatness is an eminence , the ascent to which is steep and lofty 偉大是一種聲譽,攀登上去是陡峭而險峻的。

Mr sarkozy ' s ascent comes at a fluid time in french politics 薩爾科齊地位的上升正碰上法國政壇的變動頻繁。