
ascension n.阿森松〔南大西洋島嶼〕。

Present day “ miracles “ begin with healing and end with ascension 現代的“奇跡”隨療愈開始而隨提升結束。

“my means of ascension and descension consist only in dilating or compressing the gas inclosed in the balloon. “ “我使氣球升降的方法,是使氣球里的氣體膨脹和收縮。

ascension day

Such humans are also gifted at forgiveness , which fuels ascension forth 這些人也擅長于寬恕,并會促進提升的前進。

One must move from regions that fail to support the form in ascension 一個人必須搬離不支持提升中的形體的地區。

Many affiliates are stepping out to teach ascension related workshops 很多會員正步入與提升相關的工作教導中。

Maintaining the ascension grid work of your garden will also be important 維護你菜園的提升晶格層也是重要的。

Many an initiate of ascension complains of difficulties with manifestation 很多提升者都在抱怨展示中的困難。

Our kingdom has agreed to support human ascension in this manner 我們的王國已同意以這種方式來支持人類提升。

However one must be prepared to receive the movement through ascension 不過你必須準備好在提升中接受此運動。

Ascension is about biological consciousness that becomes fully conscious 提升是關于生物體意識變成全意識的。

Ascension brings forth the embracing of a new truth that is unity based 提升帶來了立足統一之新真相的融入。

Earth provides healing temples that assist with the process of ascension 地球提供支持提升過程的療愈圣殿。

Ascension is a biological act 提升是一個生物性行為。

In an incomplete ascension , not all of the karma can be processed 在不完整提升中,并非所有的業被處理了。

Story 6 - ascension of spirits and bonds of mankind Sasayama無奈地向警署交待案件細節后,便正式終止調查。

Present day “ miracles “ begin with healing and end with ascension 現代的“奇跡”隨療愈開始而隨提升結束。

However , it shall not mark the ascension to the next dimension 不過,它并不標志著到下一密度的提升成功。

Change in essential to ascension 改變實質上是去提升。

Ascension requires a will to live 提升需要意志去生活。