
ascending adj.1.上升的;向上的。2.【植物;植物學】上向的;...

“i come here pretty often,“ he went on, as they ascended a sort of alley rambling darkly between a wall and row of houses . “我常到這兒來”,他一面說下去,他們一面順著那條在一堵墻和一排房子中間的,彎彎曲曲的,黑沉沉的狹胡同走上去。

ascending inflorescence

“i come here pretty often,“ he went on, as they ascended a sort of alley rambling darkly between a wall and row of houses . “我常到這兒來”,他一面說下去,他們一面順著那條在一堵墻和一排房子中間的,彎彎曲曲的,黑沉沉的狹胡同走上去。