
ascendant adj.1.向上的,上升的 (opp. descenda...

Taizhou jinke plastic mould co . , ltd . is located in “ china mould town of the east sea - huangyan “ . the traffic is convenient and the locality is ascendant 臺州市金科塑模有限公司座落在“東海之濱的中國模具之鄉黃巖” ,交通便捷,地理位置優越。


The security investment fund has already become one of the most important institutional investors in the world , and its development in our country is in the ascendant 證券投資基金業已成為全球最重要的機構投資者之一,在我國的發展也是方興未艾,更被我國決策層就其在證券市場及其他相關領域發揮重要作用寄予厚望。

Quality aim : our aim is to satisfying the gradually increasing requirement of consumers by using our fine products , reliable quality , ascendant lifetime efficiency expense ratio and effective service 質量目標:我們的目標是以優異的產品、可靠的質量、優越的終生效能費用比和有效的服務,滿足顧客日益增長的需要。

In the trend of subdivision of the work , an enterprise can hardly be always in the ascendant at every aspect . so , the cooperation and double - win becomes the pop topic for the enterprises 由于社會分工越來越細,單個企業往往難以在各方面的資源上都具備競爭優勢,于是合作和雙贏逐漸成為企業間最熱門的話題。

Although the tide of overseas listing is surging , being in the ascendant , for the medium - and - large - sized state - owned enterprise and growing medium and small private enterprises , the road is uneven 但13年的境外上市道路并不平坦,無論是改革中大型國企,還是成長中的中小民企,境外上市都并非一帆風順。

It is next to impossible that they that have never a planet above the earth , nor in the ascendant of their nativities , should either live long or accomplish any great matters in the world 罕有全部星體(甚至包括本命上升)在地平線以下的命盤,如果真的有這樣的命盤,命主要么非常長壽,要么能夠成大業。

At present , electric propulsion system has been widely applied in space fight missions and ascendant performance of electric propulsion makes it a substitution of traditional chemical propulsion system gradually 目前,電推進系統以其優越的性能逐步取代傳統的化學推進系統,被廣泛的用于空間飛行任務。

With the space predomination index and synthetically economic competitive - power index , the ascendant space predomination and society - economy predomination is simply discussed . 2 在本部分中,采用區位優勢指數和綜合經濟競爭力指數簡要分析論述了山東省在全國優越的區位優勢和社會經濟優勢。

In our country , after 1980 , several m & a had taken place . more than 20 , 000 companies were bought by the form of m & a . and now , m & a in china are in the ascendant 在我國,從80年代以來,全國已有各種類型的并購發生,共有2萬多家企業并被購,目前,中國企業間的并購活動方興未艾。

Kunshan pacific hotel is a four star hotel with european characteristic for holiday and business , which lies in dianshan lakefire , kunshan , and the position is ascendant with graceful surrounding 昆山太平洋大酒店是一家獨具歐陸文化特色的四星級渡假、商務酒店。

This is what puts ascendants at the fore of self - mastery . . . the weaving in and out of consciousness and the eventual ability to master emotion and keep the body in balance 這就是使提升處于自我控制中. . .織進和脫離意識和最終的能力來控制情感和使身體處于平衡中。

Because the quantitative year after year of gu incomplete children shows ascendant trend , the demand of the member that nurse to gu incomplete children still is met increase greatly 由于孤殘兒童的數量逐年呈上升趨勢,對孤殘兒童護理員的需求還會大大增加。

For a parent - child hierarchy , the allowed members are those defined by the set plus the ascendants of the parent - child hierarchy that exist with those members 對于父子層次結構,允許的成員是指那些由該集定義的成員加上父子層次結構中與這些成員共存的祖先。

Clinch a deal namely that share share of present price of price prep above , if its occurrence , criterion the present price of the stock presents ascendant trend basically 即成交價格高于現價的那部份股票,假如它的出現,則股票的現價基本呈現上升趨勢。

Natural mountains and rivers are the ascendant entironment elements of cities , rare natural mountains and rivers are the city visualization that cannot be shaped again 自然山水是城市得天獨厚的生態要素,珍貴的自然山水是不可再塑的城市形象。

Taizhou jinke plastic mould co . , ltd . is located in “ china mould town of the east sea - huangyan “ . the traffic is convenient and the locality is ascendant 臺州市金科塑模有限公司座落在“東海之濱的中國模具之鄉黃巖” ,交通便捷,地理位置優越。

And because of its ascendant simple system , speciality and real - timility etc , embedded system has become the classicality of machetronics control feild 嵌入式系統以其精簡的系統、專用性和實時性等特點,已成為機電控制領域解決的經典方案。

The bill market in china today is in the ascendant . the influence on a perfect economic and creditable society will be further than today 中國的票據市場仍然處于方興未艾的階段,它對一個完善的經濟和信用社會的作用將遠遠超出現實的情況。

Emotion is an important and common factor in the management of college education , humanist thought is in the ascendant in higher education 摘要情感是高校各管理教育活動共同而重要的因素,以人為本的生本思想在高等教育中方興未艾。