
ascendancy n.優勢;權勢;主權。 have an ascendan...

The early qing dynasty saw the emergence of a group of artists who focused their efforts on revitalizing the tradition based on the theory of the northern and southern schools of painting advocated by dong qichang 1555 - 1636 of the late ming dynasty . in his exaltation of the past masters , dong considered the painters of the southern school exemplary models for emulation , and his invocation of orthodoxy and glorification of antiquity laid the foundation for the “ six masters “ to gain the ascendancy 中國繪畫的發展至清代初期時涌現了一批以仿古為創作核心的畫家,他們主要繼承了明代晚期由董其昌1555 - 1636所提倡的南北宗論,將過去的畫家劃分成兩大陣營,其中奉南宗為繪畫正脈,并以之為仿效對象。

By seeing about the general situation of the principle of banning fraud on common - law securities legislation , we conclude that securities fraud is a kind of unlawful practice which badly invades investors “ rights and interests , destroys securities exchange order , and distorts justice , equity and open of securities market . it ' s abusing of resource ascendancy in essence . therefore , securities fraud is the object regulated by law and supervised by governments emphatically 通過考察英美證券法上禁止欺詐原則的立法概況發現,證券欺詐是一種嚴重侵害投資者權益、破壞證券交易秩序和扭曲證券市場公平、公正、公開原則的違法行為,其實質在于資源優勢濫用,因而是各國證券法規制和證券市場監管的重點對象。

The early qing dynasty saw the emergence of a group of artists who focused their efforts on revitalizing the tradition based on the theory of the northern and southern schools of painting advocated by dong qichang ( 1555 - 1636 ) of the late ming dynasty . in his exaltation of the past masters , dong considered the painters of the southern school exemplary models for emulation , and his invocation of orthodoxy and glorification of antiquity laid the foundation for the “ six masters “ to gain the ascendancy 中國繪畫的發展至清代初期時涌現了一批以仿古為創作核心的畫家,他們主要繼承了明代晚期由董其昌( 1555 - 1636 )所提倡的南北宗論,將過去的畫家劃分成兩大陣營,其中奉南宗為繪畫正脈,并以之為仿效對象。

Is this not also part of the process of “ peaceful ascendancy “ 這難道不就是“和平崛起”過程的一部分嗎?

The “bulls“, those who make money on a rising market, are in the ascendancy . 趁市場行情上漲而賺錢的“多頭”占了上風。


The baroness had looked forward to this marriage as a means of ridding her of a guardianship which , over a girl of eug nie s character , could not fail to be rather a troublesome undertaking ; for in the tacit relations which maintain the bond of family union , the mother , to maintain her ascendancy over her daughter , must never fail to be a model of wisdom and a type of perfection . now , madame danglars feared eug 她原來指望這樁婚事可以使她擺脫監護的責任,因為對于一個個性象歐熱妮這樣的一位姑娘,她的監護工作讓人感到很頭疼的而且,要維持一個家庭的融洽,家庭里必須要有默契的諒解,一個母親必師繼續不斷地在智慧和品德方面做一個典范,才會被她的女兒喜歡,但騰格拉爾夫人卻害怕歐熱妮的明察和亞密萊小姐給她女兒出的點子。

The early qing dynasty saw the emergence of a group of artists who focused their efforts on revitalizing the tradition based on the theory of the northern and southern schools of painting advocated by dong qichang 1555 - 1636 of the late ming dynasty . in his exaltation of the past masters , dong considered the painters of the southern school exemplary models for emulation , and his invocation of orthodoxy and glorification of antiquity laid the foundation for the “ six masters “ to gain the ascendancy 中國繪畫的發展至清代初期時涌現了一批以仿古為創作核心的畫家,他們主要繼承了明代晚期由董其昌1555 - 1636所提倡的南北宗論,將過去的畫家劃分成兩大陣營,其中奉南宗為繪畫正脈,并以之為仿效對象。

Traditionally , family has been viewed as a group marked by affinity of its members in which the crisis of human relationship is compensated for by the ascendancy of kinship , so that the fusion process with the external world of a child is achieved at the expense of sacrificing much more interests than are lost for his / her family 傳統上,家庭被看成一個這樣的集體,其特征是其成員所構成的親密關系,在這個關系中,人際關系的危機被強大的親情所彌補,以至于當一個孩子為了融入社會所付出的代價比以之相對于家庭的代價大出許多。

By seeing about the general situation of the principle of banning fraud on common - law securities legislation , we conclude that securities fraud is a kind of unlawful practice which badly invades investors “ rights and interests , destroys securities exchange order , and distorts justice , equity and open of securities market . it ' s abusing of resource ascendancy in essence . therefore , securities fraud is the object regulated by law and supervised by governments emphatically 通過考察英美證券法上禁止欺詐原則的立法概況發現,證券欺詐是一種嚴重侵害投資者權益、破壞證券交易秩序和扭曲證券市場公平、公正、公開原則的違法行為,其實質在于資源優勢濫用,因而是各國證券法規制和證券市場監管的重點對象。

The early qing dynasty saw the emergence of a group of artists who focused their efforts on revitalizing the tradition based on the theory of the northern and southern schools of painting advocated by dong qichang ( 1555 - 1636 ) of the late ming dynasty . in his exaltation of the past masters , dong considered the painters of the southern school exemplary models for emulation , and his invocation of orthodoxy and glorification of antiquity laid the foundation for the “ six masters “ to gain the ascendancy 中國繪畫的發展至清代初期時涌現了一批以仿古為創作核心的畫家,他們主要繼承了明代晚期由董其昌( 1555 - 1636 )所提倡的南北宗論,將過去的畫家劃分成兩大陣營,其中奉南宗為繪畫正脈,并以之為仿效對象。

First of all , the paper makes an analysis of the art appreciation teaching , and concluded that its target is develop student ’ s appreciation and the art resource is the role of a good art appreciation teaching , so the ascendancy of net demonstrated for its abundant and convenient art resource . the second , the new standard of the art course gives us a new elaboration of the activity in the art appreciation 其次,通過三個方面說明美術鑒賞運用網絡技術的可行性: 1 、從美術鑒賞的過程和特點得出:美術鑒賞教學應該是一種面向學生的開放式的教學過程,目的在于教會學生學會自主學習欣賞、自主分析和評判美術作品,美術鑒賞教學的質量與它所能呈現的資源呈正比。

But the stark conclusion of all of these three books is that a rapprochement has become much less likely since the election in 2005 of iran ' s egregious mahmoud ahmadinejad signalled the ascendancy of an iranian group of “ neoconservatives ” far more ideological even than their american namesakes 不過,這三部著作(本文是對三本書的書評? ?譯注)都有一個顯而易見的結論,即自2005年異乎尋常的內賈德當選,標志著伊朗一批比美國保守黨更為不切實際的“新保守派”上臺執政之后,美伊恢復邦交的可能性就大大降低了。

Part i through analysis the concepts of balance and non - balance , and the characteristics of their roles in the development of things , the author presents the grand balance theory . two assumptions are at the foundation of grand balance : first , that the elements to be balanced are necessary for the society or are entitled to exist and , second , that without a state of equilibrium among them one element will gain ascendancy over others , encroach upon their interests and rights , and may ultimately destroy them . consequently , it is the purpose of grand balance to maintain the stability of the system without destroying the multiplicity of the elements composing it 通過對該理論所關注的兩個基本因素,即平衡和非平衡的三種關系和四種基本轉化過程的人物和史例分析,筆者認為大平衡理論在實踐上對領導的戰略指導主要集中在,領導者要與環境保持一致,根據環境的需要而成長和活動;而且在這一過程中,環境本身和領導自身亦應保持一定的平衡性;在為尋求和達到大平衡的行動中,間接路線戰略是首選的實現目標的手段。

Contemporary writers are confronted with a literary dilemma : the literary media of cultural and discourse ascendancy has almost deprived writers of their creative privacy ; the commercial value orientation and the entertaining function of literature put writers in an embarrassing dislocation ; the dual indentities of writer as professional producer and creator of artistic works corner writers in a dilemma 摘要已充分擁有文化支配地位和話語權利的文學媒體使作家幾乎失去了獨立的創作空間,追求“賣點”和過分強化文學娛樂消費功能的價值取向使作家面臨尷尬的錯位,既是職業勞動生產者又是藝術審美創造者的角色認定使作家陷入兩難之境,這是目前作家的文學處境。

It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and , being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of a rare forecast , he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and , by intercepting them with the readiest precaution , foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at , rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable 布盧姆已過人生之半途190 ,歷盡滄桑,系一謹慎民族之后裔,生就稀有的先見之明,遂抑制心中所冒怒氣,最迅速慎重地克制住感情,告誡自己胸中要懷一“忍”字。心地卑鄙者對此加以嘲笑,性急之判斷者藐視之,然而眾人咸認為此乃穩妥之舉。

Concentration is an economic law phenomenon which ocurrs with the development of the commodity economy . it is helpful for an enterprise to extend its business , promote its management efficiency and enhance international competition ability . however , it is , adversely , a way for the enterprise to change the constructure of the market and obtain the ascendancy in the market which is harmful to the market competition 企業集中是伴隨著商品經濟的高度發展而產生的一種經濟法律現象,它在擴大企業經營規模、提高企業經營效益、以及強化企業國際競爭力的同時,也可能成為人為地改變市場結構、迅速地集中企業的經濟力量,獲取市場支配地位的重要手段和方法,并進而產生限制市場內競爭的嚴重后果。

And at these words the young girl fixed her imperious look on the catalan , who , as if fascinated by it , came slowly towards edmond , and offered him his hand . his hatred , like a powerless though furious wave , was broken against the strong ascendancy which merc 年輕姑娘說完最后這句話,便把她那威嚴的眼光盯住迦太羅尼亞人弗爾南多,后者則象被那睛光催眠了一樣,慢慢地向愛德蒙走來,伸出了他的手。

The thing was as impossible as to mould my irregular features to his correct and classic pattern , to give to my changeable green eyes the sea - blue tint and solemn lustre of his own . not his ascendancy alone , however , held me in thrall at present 這是不可能付諸實現的,就像要把我那不規則的面容,塑造成他標準的古典模式,也象要把他的海藍色澤和莊重的光彩,放進我那不可改變的青色眼睛里。

Through reviews on development of different modus operandis to circumference mixed hemorrhoids and on literature about improved operation , this paper explained the curative effects , adverse effects and ascendancy of various kinds of operations 摘要通過對環狀混合痔不同手術方式的演變、發展以及近年來多種改良術式的文獻回顧,對各種不同術式的療效、不良反應及趨勢進行了較為全面的闡述。