
ascendance n.= ascendancy.

In the great anti - japanese national liberation war , china ' s international image gets an exaltation and china ' s great - nation station gets a complete remoulding , shown in the following aspects : the outstanding contribution of the chinese theatre and the huge sacrifice of the chinese nation are of crucial importance to the exaltation of china ' s international position ; the abrogation of the unequal treaties makes china become a member with equal rights of the international community , and china ' s great - nation station begins to take a favorable turn ; the ascendance as the “ top four “ in the world fully represents the improvement of china ' s international position , symbolizing the establishment of china ' s great - nation station ; in addition , both the communist party of china and the gmd make an great contribution on the exaltation of the chinese international position 摘要在偉大的抗日民族解放戰爭中,中國的國際形象得到提高、大國地位得到全面重塑,具體表現在:中國戰場的突出貢獻和中華民族的巨大犧牲為中國大國地位的提高奠定了基礎;不平等條約的廢除使中國成為國際社會的平等一員,中國的大國地位開始轉機;躋身世界“四強”是中國國際地位提高的集中表現,標志著中國大國地位的正式確立;國共兩黨都為中國國際地位的提高做出了重大的貢獻。

Liang qi - chao believed that history is evolving constantly and the “ evolution “ is limitless ; it is progressive but has twists ; it is in a spiral ascendance rather than in a straight line 摘要梁啟超認為歷史是“進化”的,它具有進步性和曲折性,呈無極限之螺旋狀而非直線上升。

The father said , “ a duke ‘ ascendance to power should be granted by the king 但在他們到達前,石?已經秘密快信送至陳國公爵,要求他殺死這兩名兇手。


In the great anti - japanese national liberation war , china ' s international image gets an exaltation and china ' s great - nation station gets a complete remoulding , shown in the following aspects : the outstanding contribution of the chinese theatre and the huge sacrifice of the chinese nation are of crucial importance to the exaltation of china ' s international position ; the abrogation of the unequal treaties makes china become a member with equal rights of the international community , and china ' s great - nation station begins to take a favorable turn ; the ascendance as the “ top four “ in the world fully represents the improvement of china ' s international position , symbolizing the establishment of china ' s great - nation station ; in addition , both the communist party of china and the gmd make an great contribution on the exaltation of the chinese international position 摘要在偉大的抗日民族解放戰爭中,中國的國際形象得到提高、大國地位得到全面重塑,具體表現在:中國戰場的突出貢獻和中華民族的巨大犧牲為中國大國地位的提高奠定了基礎;不平等條約的廢除使中國成為國際社會的平等一員,中國的大國地位開始轉機;躋身世界“四強”是中國國際地位提高的集中表現,標志著中國大國地位的正式確立;國共兩黨都為中國國際地位的提高做出了重大的貢獻。

With the development of the knowledge economy , entrepreneurial human capital becomes the forth factor of productivity and plays a more and more important role in the survival and the development of enterprises . moreover , entrepreneurial human capital is the key to achieve the sustained competitive ascendance for the country , the district and the enterprise 隨著知識經濟時代的到來,企業家人力資本繼勞動、資本和土地之后,成為生產力中最為活躍的第四個要素,不但關乎企業的生存和發展,更是國家、地區乃至企業獲得持續競爭優勢的關鍵。

The results show that : l ) there are three anomalous high temperature areas and three anomalous low temperature areas , and the whole area high temperature anomaly took place in the late 1980s , whereas the low temperature anomaly in the 1970 ; 2 ) the spatial mode manifests identical variations in the whole area , and the temporal coefficient curve is of 2 - 3 year period oscillation and an interdecadal abrupt in the late 1970s ; 3 ) the variance of interdecadal component is obviously larger than that of interannual in the most part of nespa ; 4 ) the interdecadal variation of the temperature is mainly linear ascendance in the late 1970s , the large range anomalous high ( low ) temperature occurs when the interdecadal and interannual anomaly are both positive ( negative ) in the year ; 5 ) the temperature anomaly is divided into four patterns : southern , northern , eastern and western patterns , in which the interdecadal variation of the southern and western patterns is relatively importance and the interannual variation of eastern and northern pattern is relatively importance 本文用夏季( 6 - 8月)中國東北地區91個測站44年氣溫資料,對該區夏季氣溫的氣候平均和異常場進行分析,采用諧波分析將異常變化的年代際、年際尺度分量分離,分別分析兩種尺度上氣溫異常的時空特征,最后應用reof進行了氣溫異常的區劃,研究局域異常變化的年代際、年際分量的變化特征。結果發現: 1 )東北夏季有三個異常高溫高發區和三個異常低溫高發區。全區性異常高溫(低溫)階段出現在上世紀80年代后( 70年代) 。

Liang qi - chao believed that history is evolving constantly and the “ evolution “ is limitless ; it is progressive but has twists ; it is in a spiral ascendance rather than in a straight line 摘要梁啟超認為歷史是“進化”的,它具有進步性和曲折性,呈無極限之螺旋狀而非直線上升。

I love you , and may i become like you one day , to share with the beloved human race the secret of their ascendance 我愛您,愿有一天我能像您一樣,為世人提醒他們的偉大本性。

The father said , “ a duke ‘ ascendance to power should be granted by the king 但在他們到達前,石?已經秘密快信送至陳國公爵,要求他殺死這兩名兇手。

China ' s ascendance to prominence must begin with our generation 中華民族的崛起必須從我們這一代開始!