
ascend vi.1.上升,登高 (opp. Descend)。2....

“i come here pretty often,“ he went on, as they ascended a sort of alley rambling darkly between a wall and row of houses . “我常到這兒來”,他一面說下去,他們一面順著那條在一堵墻和一排房子中間的,彎彎曲曲的,黑沉沉的狹胡同走上去。


Listed in ascending order from e to l by country name 以英文字母e至l開首的國家名稱

Listed in ascending order from a to d by country name 以英文字母a至d開首的國家名稱

Listed in ascending order from s to z by country name 以英文字母s至z開首的國家名稱

Listed in ascending order from m to r by country name 以英文字母m至r開首的國家名稱

A small party is planning to ascend mount everest 一小伙人正計劃攀登珠穆朗瑪峰。

Lining ascending pipe , glass steel liner f4 fitting 襯里直管、玻璃鋼襯f4管件

He ascends and stands on the stone of destiny 他拾級而上,站在即位的石臺上。

Ascend motion analysis of reusable launch vehicle 可重復使用運載器上升段運動分析

The ascend rocket are experimented hundreds of times 上升火箭,試驗過幾百次了。

By faith , enoch ascended to heaven without death 挪亞因著信,預備了一只方舟。

The path started to ascend more steeply at this point 這條路從這向上就更陡了

At the salient of that second angle was a large flat rock, jutting out from the ridge to the northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended . 在這第二個拐角的突出部有一個大而平坦的巖山,從山脊向北伸出,俯瞰深谷,路就是從那兒盤旋而上的。

“i come here pretty often,“ he went on, as they ascended a sort of alley rambling darkly between a wall and row of houses . “我常到這兒來”,他一面說下去,他們一面順著那條在一堵墻和一排房子中間的,彎彎曲曲的,黑沉沉的狹胡同走上去。

Having taken these precautions against surprise, he ascended to the top of the step ladder that he had laid against the door and sat down at ease . 做好這種戒備之后,他就爬到那座攔住門的短梯頂上,安心地坐了下來。

At a second angle in the road was a large flat rock, jutting out northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended . 在道路的另一拐彎處,一塊扁平的巨石向北突兀伸出,俯視著道路穿越升起的峽谷。

Soon there appeared in view an auburn pony with a girl on its back, ascending by the path leading past the cattleshed . 不久視野中便出現了一匹茶褐色的矮種馬,一個姑娘騎在馬背上,順著經過牛欄的小路往山上走來。

To find the median of a data set, we first array the data in ascending or descending order . 為了計算一組數據的中位數,我們首先要把這些數據按由大到小或由小到大的順序加以排列。

He longed to ascend through the roof and fly away to another country where he would never hear again of his trouble . 他恨不得穿過屋頂,飛到另一個國度,再也聽不到這種煩惱。