
asc 短語和例子ASC =1.Air Service Comm...

Columns must match the prefix set of index columns with the exact order . for example , the index create index emp name on employees “ last name “ asc , “ first name “ asc 在使用多列索引的情況下,為了使order - by或group - by處理特定索引, order - by或group - by列必須與預先指定的一組索引列匹配,而且順序要完全相同。


D ) ktva computing results have been visualized in the code , there is no vesualization software but visual files ; therefore it ' s necessary to study the visual software so as to turn the ktva visual files into view 原計算結果是分別以asc碼、二進制和十進制的數據文件的形式出現,可讀性差,也給應用帶來一系列問題。作者通過研究數據傳遞和接口技術,用autocad2002和tecplt7

In collaboration with asc fine wines , renaissance yangtze shanghai hotel joined together with wine lovers worldwide to celebrate the long - awaited release of this famous young vintage 對于紅酒愛好者來說,一年中的這個時期是非常難得的。每年的11月16日,知名的博若萊紅葡萄酒不只在歐洲地區推廣,世界各大洲都會相繼有類似的慶祝活動。

I put that information in the foaf - private . rdf file , signed and encrypted it to the relevant public key generating the foaf - private . rdf . asc file , and then linked from my foaf file as shown in 我將該信息放在foaf - private . rdf文件中,簽名并將它加密成相應的公鑰(生成foaf - private . rdf . asc文件) ,然后我的foaf文件鏈接到該文件,如

Based on numerous papers on automatic seedling classification ( asc ) , the seedling grading theory , traditional grading methods , the background and the proceeding of asc techniques are described 本文在對目前苗木自動分級文獻理解和綜合的基礎上,首先通過對苗木分級技術和分級理論的研究,揭示了自動分級技術的發展背景和理論基礎。

With its 10 years of experience , asc is a successful and well - respected supplier of toner , drums and spare parts as well as a high quality toner manufacturer 擁有十年行業經驗的asc國際貿易有限責任公司,是受到全球廣大客戶尊敬的成功企業,我們進行碳粉、硒鼓及相關配件的經營,同時我們也是一家高品質碳粉的生產廠商。

Columns must match the prefix set of index columns with the exact order . for example , the index create index emp name on employees “ last name “ asc , “ first name “ asc 在使用多列索引的情況下,為了使order - by或group - by處理特定索引, order - by或group - by列必須與預先指定的一組索引列匹配,而且順序要完全相同。

Another function is to send the signal to the d / a board which converts the signal into real control electric current . this current control vwf which control the wind machine to create the wind 單片機把此16進制數化asc碼送顯示,再送給d a板,由d a板的數字電位器轉化成真正的控制電流。

The director - general of civil aviation , on the advice of the aviation security committee ( asc ) , has issued two security directions to this effect under the aviation security ordinance ( cap 民航處處長是因應航空保安委員會的建議,根據《航空保安條例》 (第494章)發出兩個有關保安指示。

To the iad to formalise its role , mission and authority . the division reports directly to the chief executive of the hkma and the efac audit sub - committee ( asc ) 金管局的風險評估機制是經過詳細研究其他央行及專業會計師事務所所采用的風險評估模式后制定,并經試行后采用。

Two purchase views , which are the basics of the asc ( agile supply chain ) management , are formed by the integrating the ship lifecycle configuration with b2b or b2c models 以艦船全壽期配置為核心并結合b2b和b2c供應模式形成了兩種?購視圖,它們是敏捷供應鏈管理的基礎。

For modern enterprises , the purchase management ( pm ) based on the agile supply chain ( asc ) is an important approach of making resource decision and improving core competition 基于敏捷供應鏈的采購管理是現代企業資源決策和提高核心競爭力的重要手段。

The goal of the ship lifecycle asc management , function and information models , information flow and information integration and share are discussed in this paper 本文闡述了艦船全壽期敏捷供應鏈管理的目標、功能和資訊模型及其工作流以及資訊集成和共用等。

For more information about ascs , contact your microsoft account representative , or visit the microsoft product support services web site at 有關asc的詳細信息,請與microsoftaccountrepresentative聯系或者microsoft產品支持服務的web站點:

The asc is chaired by the security bureau and comprises representatives from the civil aviation department , police , airport authority ( aa ) and airlines 航空保安委員會由保安局擔任主席,成員包括民航處、警方、機場管理局及航空公司代表。

A large three - dimension structure analysis program asc , with powerful function of pre - process and post - process , is developed under the vindows 98 本文編制了空間結構分析程序asc ,該程序在windows平臺上開發,具有較好的前后處理功能。

Audit results in 2003 with the support of the hkma chief executive and of the asc , the iad continued to operate independently throughout the year 內部審核處對掌握業內及其他央行在內部審核方面的最新發展及標準非常重視。

When the conflicts cannot be reconciled , they will have to asc ertain the hierarchy of the self - executing treaties and the contradictory norms 當沖突無法避免時,它們必須確定自動執行條約與相抵觸的法律規范的效力等級。

The asc is ideal whenever you need to measure a large number of samples or require very high reproducibility of results 在您需要測量大數量的樣品或者要求非常高的結果重現時, asc就是您的理想之選。