
asbestosis n.【醫學】石綿沉著病。


The pco provides compensation to persons who suffer from silicosis or asbestosis . compensation is paid from the pneumoconiosis compensation fund , which is administered by the pneumoconiosis compensation fund board 補償款項來自肺塵埃沉病補償基金,而該基金由肺塵埃沉病補償基金委員會管理。

Another gross lesion typical for pneumoconioses , and asbestosis in particular , is a fibrous pleural plaque . seen here on the pleural side of the diaphragmatic leaves are several tan - white pleural plaques 塵肺的又一典型的大體損害,尤其石棉肺,引起纖維性胸膜斑。可見幾個呈灰白色的胸膜斑。

The pneumoconiosis ( compensation ) ordinance provides for the payment of compensation to persons suffering from silicosis or asbestosis 《肺塵埃沉病(補償)條例》規定發放補償予患上矽肺病或石棉肺的人士。

Compression syndrome of superior vena cava caused by mediastinal hernia stemed from asbestosis complicated with lung cancer 石棉肺并肺癌致縱隔疝引發上腔靜脈受壓綜合征1例報告

Study on the role of tumor necrosis factor - and tumor necrosis factor receptor gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of asbestosis 型受體基因多態性在石棉肺發病中的作用

Analysis of dust - control results and asbestosis incidence of workers in rural asbestos enterprises 農村石棉加工業防塵效益與發病趨勢分析

A case of malignant pleural mesothelioma complicated by asbestosis 布氏桿菌病合并系統性紅斑狼瘡1例分析