
asbestos n.石綿。


Test method for steam tightness of asbestos - rubber sheets 石棉橡膠板蒸汽密封性能試驗方法

Asbestos friction linings for industrial machines 工業機械用石棉摩擦片

Standard specification for asbestos - cement siding 石棉水泥板壁標準規范

Standard specification for asbestos - cement underdrain pipe 石棉水泥地下排水管的標準規范

Asbestos - cement pressure pipe for bittern transmission 石棉水泥輸鹽鹵管

Standard test methods for asbestos - cement pipe 石棉水泥管的標準試驗方法

Standard specification for asbestos - cement conduit 石棉水泥管道標準規范

Standard guide for limited asbestos screens of buildings 建筑物用有限石棉隔板的標準指南

Standard specification for asbestos tubular sleeving 石棉套管的標準規范

Standard specification for linings for asbestos - cement pipe 石棉水泥管道用襯料標準規范

Specification for anticorrosive asbestos packing for valve 閥門用緩蝕石棉填料.技術條件

Health standard for asbestos fibre in the air of workplaces 車間空氣中石棉纖維衛生標準

Standard specification for asbestos - cement storm drain pipe 石棉水泥排雨水管道標準規范

Standard specification for asbestos - cement transmission pipe 石棉水泥傳輸管件標準規范

Standard test method for heat aging of asbestos textiles 石棉織物熱老化的標準測試方法

Standard test method for soluble chlorides in asbestos 石棉中可溶氯化物的標準試驗方法

Test method for corrosive of anticorrosive asbestos packing 緩蝕石棉填料.腐蝕試驗方法

Test method for compressibility and recovery of asbestos 石棉的可壓縮性和恢復試驗方法

Test method for moisture content of chrysotile asbestos 溫石棉水分測定方法