
asarum n.【植物;植物學】細辛。


The experimental result indicates that the composition can not only enhance the analgesic effect of asarum , but also reduce the dosage of it , therefore , there will be less toxicity 實驗結果說明這種聯合用藥不僅能夠增強細辛的鎮痛效果,而且可以減少細辛的用量,從而減少毒性。

The stretching method shows that composite asarum water decoction with nifedipine can have significant analgesic action 本文用扭體法實驗研究表明,細辛水煎劑與硝苯地平配伍對醋酸致痛有協同鎮痛作用。

There are also some researches indicate the analgesic action of asarum comes from the local anesthesia action 亦有資料研究表明細辛的鎮痛作用來自其局部麻醉作用[ 4 ] 。

Analysis on fingerprint chromatogram of the volatile oils obtained from asarum heterotropoides with different methods 不同方法提取的遼細辛揮發油指紋圖譜分析

Leaf spot control experiment of asarum sieboldii 細辛葉斑病藥劑防治試驗