
as adv.(同…)一樣…;同樣〔在此是指 as… as… ...


We are glad to count you as a friend . 我們高興地將您當作我們的朋友。

A word in earnest is as good as a speech . 話不必多說,有誠意就行。

The meeting will take proceed as planned . 會議將按預定的計劃進行。

He is as staunch a churchman at oxford . 他跟牛津的教士一樣堅定不移。

I 've no inclinations towards life as a doctor . 我的志趣不是行醫。

Even as she spoke , it began to snow . 恰恰在她說話的時候,天下雪了。

He started to choke as he was eating too fast . 他吃得太快,噎住了。

These cells are known as endodermal cells . 這些細胞稱為內胚層細胞。

This book is not as interesting as that one ... 這本書沒那本書有趣。

They drew as many as four times that year . 他們那一年四次打成平局。

Our breakfast was as good as the supper . 我們的早餐和晚餐一樣可口。

Many insects use crucifers as hosts . 許多昆蟲以十字花科植物為寄主。

Her color came and went as she listened . 她一面聽一面臉色忽紅忽白。

I am quite in a fog as to what you mean . 你究竟何所指,我感到茫然。

They are permanent as a photon is not . 它們是永恒的,而光子則不然。

They have no rights as a uk citizen . 他們沒有英國公民所享有的權利。

I'd incriminate myself as well as you . 我就會把自己和你都牽連進去。

I send you this gift as a mark of esteem .. 我送你這件禮物以表敬意。

He strikes down the decision as incorrect . 他以不正確為由撤銷原判。