
aryl n.【化學】芳基。


Synthesis and characterization of poly aryl ether ketone poly aryl ether sulfone ether ketone ketone random copolymers with methyl pendant 含甲基側基聚芳醚砜醚酮酮的合成與表征

Synthesis and characteristic of poly aryl ether sufone ether ketone ketone containing meta - phenyl links and methyl pendant group 含間苯基及甲基側基聚芳醚砜醚酮酮的合成與表征

Synthesis and characterization of novel methyl substituted poly aryl ether ketone ether sulfone ether ketone random copolymers 合成芳基芳酰基偶氮化合物的簡便有效的新方法

Synthesis and characterization of novel poly aryl ether sulfone ether ketone ketone containing bis o - methyl moiety 新型含雙鄰甲基取代結構聚芳醚砜醚酮酮的合成與表征

The most effective syhthetic condition for aryl chloroacetates was obtained experimentlly 討論了不同反應條件對產率的影響,通過正交實驗,探索出了最佳合成條件。

Dermination of 9 photochemistry products from photoinducted srn 1 reaction of organic nitrogen anion with aryl halides 1機理反應生成的9種光化學產物的定量研究

Synthesis and characterization of poly aryl ether s containing cyclohexene and phthalazinone moieties 新型含雜萘聯苯聚醚砜類嵌段共聚物的合成與性能研究

Synthesis and performance of novel poly aryl ethers containing chloro - substituted phthalazinone moieties 新型含環己烯結構的氮雜環聚醚聚合物的合成

A new method for synthesizing 2 - amino - 1 - aryl - 1 - alcohols and their acetylcholinesterase inhibition 烷醇類化合物的新合成法及其乙酰膽堿酯酶抑制活性

Synthesis and spectral characterization of 3 - n - propanoyl - 2 - aryl - 5 - 2 - fluorophenyl - 1 , 3 , 4 - oxadiazoline derivatives ?唑啉類衍生物的合成與波譜特征

Synthesis of a novel poly aryl ether ketones containing polyaryl phthalazinones moieties 新型含環己烯結構的甲基二氮雜萘聯苯型聚醚酮的合成及表征

Study on relationship of rats lung carcinoma induced by dioxin and mediation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor 致大鼠肺癌與芳香烴受體介導關系的研究

Synthesis of 2 - aryl - 5 - 4 - bromophenyl - 1 , 3 , 4 - oxadiazole derivatives and studies on their spectral properties ?二唑衍生物的合成及其光譜性能研究

Synthesis and characterization of poly aryl ether ether ketone ketone random copolymers containing silicon 主鏈硅雜化聚芳醚醚酮酮的合成與表征

Recent advances in synthesis of terminal aryl acetylenes by palladium - catalyzed coupling - elimination reaction 消去法合成芳基末端炔的研究進展

Synthesis and properties of poly aryl ether s containingo - substituted - phenyl phthalazinone moieties 新型苯基取代雜萘聯苯型聚芳醚的合成與性能

Synthesis and characterization of poly aryl ether sufone ether ketone ketone containing methyl pendant 含甲基側基聚芳醚砜醚酮酮的合成與表征

Synthesis and characterization of poly aryl ether ether ketone ketone containing bis o - methyl moiety 含甲基取代基聚芳醚醚酮酮的合成與表征

Synthesis and properties of poly aryl ketone containing bis phthalazinone and methylene moieties 含苯側基雜環聚芳酰胺酰亞胺的合成與性能