
aryan adj.1.亞利安語系的〔或指印歐語系,或指印度波斯語系...

Occultist helena blavatsky ( the secret doctrine , 1888 ) introduced the idea of the atlanteans as cultural heroes ( an aspect that is absent in plato , who describes them mainly as a military threat to the greeks ) , and described its inhabitants as the fourth “ root race “ , succeeded by the “ aryan race “ 神秘學者布拉瓦茨基夫人(秘密的教條, 1888 )介紹了亞特蘭蒂斯是文化的英雄的想法(這是柏拉圖所缺少的,柏拉圖主要把它描繪成希臘的一種軍事威脅) ,并且把它的居民描繪成繼“雅利安種族”之后的第四個“種族根源” 。

There is a strong relationship between the various forms of sanskrit and the middle indo - aryan “ prakrits “ , or vernacular languages ( in which , among other things , most early jain and buddhist texts are written ) , and the modern indo - aryan languages 形形式式的梵語同中古時代印度雅利安人的“古印度語” ,或者說本國語言(大多數耆那教和佛教文獻也用這種語言書寫) ,以及現代印度雅利安語有緊密的聯系。

“ we are at the close of the cycle of 5 , 000 years of the present aryan kali yuga , or dark age . this will be succeeded by an age of light . . . a new messenger of the spirit will be sent to the western nations 我們處于這個亞利安迦梨尤迦黑暗時代的五千年周期的末端,接下來的是光的時代,一位新的靈性使者將于1975年被送到西方來。

This story gets more complicated with nazi - designed ufos , nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the earth , and the explanation for “ aryan - looking “ ufo pilots 這個故事隨納粹設計飛碟變得更加撲溯迷離,納粹同生活在地心的人們在一起,而該說法來自“長相像雅利安人” ufo飛行員。

In the words of the archaeologist mortimer wheeler , the indo - aryan war god indra “ stands accused “ of the destruction 考古學家莫蒂默惠勒聲稱,印度?雅利安的戰神因陀羅被“指控”為破壞。


Occultist helena blavatsky ( the secret doctrine , 1888 ) introduced the idea of the atlanteans as cultural heroes ( an aspect that is absent in plato , who describes them mainly as a military threat to the greeks ) , and described its inhabitants as the fourth “ root race “ , succeeded by the “ aryan race “ 神秘學者布拉瓦茨基夫人(秘密的教條, 1888 )介紹了亞特蘭蒂斯是文化的英雄的想法(這是柏拉圖所缺少的,柏拉圖主要把它描繪成希臘的一種軍事威脅) ,并且把它的居民描繪成繼“雅利安種族”之后的第四個“種族根源” 。

Later , as more differentiation took place , the dravidian / southern style and or the indo - aryan / northern / nagara style of temple architecture emerged as dominant modes , epitomised in productions such as the magnificent brihadeeswara temple , thanjavur , and the sun temple , konark 后來,更加多的區分出現了,德拉威人/南方風格和印度?雅利安/北方/都城風格的廟宇建筑都作為主要的模式而浮現著,表現在坦賈武爾華麗的巴哈達斯瓦爾廟宇,還有科納克的太陽廟宇等建筑上。

These people took with them , among other things , their language also , and soon urdu was reverberating in the alien environs of deccan , where the indo - aryan and perso - arabic urdu must have been total stranger in an area dominated by dravidian languages 這人民采取了與他們,尤其,他們的語言還,并且很快urdu回蕩在deccan外籍人四郊,印度-雅利安族和perso阿拉伯urdu一定是陌生人在區域由dravidian語言控制。

There is a strong relationship between the various forms of sanskrit and the middle indo - aryan “ prakrits “ , or vernacular languages ( in which , among other things , most early jain and buddhist texts are written ) , and the modern indo - aryan languages 形形式式的梵語同中古時代印度雅利安人的“古印度語” ,或者說本國語言(大多數耆那教和佛教文獻也用這種語言書寫) ,以及現代印度雅利安語有緊密的聯系。

A third possibilty is that ivc colapsed primarily due to natural reasons ( climate change , tectonic activity along the subduction zone along the indo - asian plate boundary ) and that there was no indo - aryan invasion that took place 印度河流域文明衰落的第三個可能是由于自然因素(氣候改變,伴隨著印度雅利安人進入的可建造區域減少) ,并沒有印度雅利安人入侵的發生。

It was during the first excavations at ahichhatra 1940 - 44 that the painted grey ware , associated with the advent of the vedic aryans in ganga yamuna valley , was recognized for the first time in the earliest levels of the site 它是在第一挖掘期間在被繪的灰色商品,伴生以vedic aryans出現在ganga yamuna谷里,第一次被認可在站點的最早期的水平的ahichhatra 1940 - 44 。

Like muslim invasion of the indus valley at the turn of the millennium , a similar invasion of south asia had taken place around 3500 years ago : the invasion of the fair , tall , horse - wielding warriors from eurasian steppes , the aryans 象indus谷的回教入侵在千年之交,南亞相似的入侵發生了大約3500年前:入侵公平,高,馬揮動戰士從歐亞干草原, aryans 。

“ we are at the close of the cycle of 5 , 000 years of the present aryan kali yuga , or dark age . this will be succeeded by an age of light . . . a new messenger of the spirit will be sent to the western nations 我們處于這個亞利安迦梨尤迦黑暗時代的五千年周期的末端,接下來的是光的時代,一位新的靈性使者將于1975年被送到西方來。

This story gets more complicated with nazi - designed ufos , nazi collaboration with the people who live in the center of the earth , and the explanation for “ aryan - looking “ ufo pilots 這個故事隨納粹設計飛碟變得更加撲溯迷離,納粹同生活在地心的人們在一起,而該說法來自“長相像雅利安人” ufo飛行員。

The sarasvati river theory hypothises that the rig veda was composed before the peak of ivc , which would render the aryan invation theory inapplicable 薩拉薩瓦蒂河的理論假說是《梨俱吠陀》在印度河流域文明達到頂峰之前就已經寫成,會懷疑雅利安人入侵的理論是否適合。

In totentanz 2 , a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure , an aryan blonde seated as if on a throne 在《死亡之舞》 2里,染成深紅的洪水疊加在一個威風凜凜、身著長袍的人物上? ?一個金發碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在國王的寶座上一般。

Swastika , a symbol associated with the indo - aryans by easrly historians , has been found in large numbers over several ivc sites 納粹黨所用的十字記號,被早期歷史學家認為是一個與印度雅利安人相關的標記,在幾個印度河流域文明區域里被發現。

Aryan beliefs and daily life are described in the four vedas - collection of poems and sacred hymns , composed in about 1500 bc 雅利安人的信仰和日常生活就記述在四本吠陀經上? ?大約在公元前1500年就編寫好的詩集和神圣的贊美歌。

Sanskrit was the language spoken by aryan invaders and local inhabitants spoke various dialects of dravidian and munda languages Sanskrit是語言由aryan侵略者講了話并且地方居民講了dravidian和munda語言各種各樣的方言。