
arvid n.阿維德〔男子名〕。

“ i have been thinking about your dragon lords , “ said armon . “ were our situation not so desperate , i would never seriously consider it , but … “ he sighed . “ arvid and rashin are correct “我一直在想你所說的龍神” ,艾蒙說, “如果我們的處境不是這樣令人絕望,我是不會認真考慮這件事的,但是- - - - - - - - - ”他嘆了口氣, “阿維德和拉申是對的,我沒有選擇,也沒有時間。 ”

“ we do not even know if they still exist , “ insisted arvid . “ the temple stands , but that is all . i doubt there is anyone left alive who knows the invocation . “我們甚至不知道它們是否還存在。 ”阿維德堅持道, “神廟還在,但也僅此而已。我懷疑是否還有什么活著的人懂那些咒語。 ”

“ we will owe a debt we may not be able to repay , “ said arvid . “ what do your texts say about the price that will be demanded of us ? “我們可能會欠下無法償付的恩情。 ”阿維德說, “你的咒文上對我們要支付的代價是怎么說的? ”


“ i have been thinking about your dragon lords , “ said armon . “ were our situation not so desperate , i would never seriously consider it , but … “ he sighed . “ arvid and rashin are correct “我一直在想你所說的龍神” ,艾蒙說, “如果我們的處境不是這樣令人絕望,我是不會認真考慮這件事的,但是- - - - - - - - - ”他嘆了口氣, “阿維德和拉申是對的,我沒有選擇,也沒有時間。 ”

Arvid carlsson of sweden and paul greengard and eric kandel of new york share the first nobel prize of the millennium , worth nearly $ 1 million , sweden ' s karolinska institute said 瑞典卡洛林斯卡學院表示,瑞典人艾維德卡爾森以及來自紐約的保羅格林加爾德和艾瑞克坎朵共同獲得千禧年的首座諾貝爾獎,此獎價值一百萬美元。

“ we do not even know if they still exist , “ insisted arvid . “ the temple stands , but that is all . i doubt there is anyone left alive who knows the invocation . “我們甚至不知道它們是否還存在。 ”阿維德堅持道, “神廟還在,但也僅此而已。我懷疑是否還有什么活著的人懂那些咒語。 ”

“ we will owe a debt we may not be able to repay , “ said arvid . “ what do your texts say about the price that will be demanded of us ? “我們可能會欠下無法償付的恩情。 ”阿維德說, “你的咒文上對我們要支付的代價是怎么說的? ”

The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 2000 : arvid carlsson 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎-阿爾維德卡爾森